Are "Highline Billiards" Pool Table Any Good?
5/20/2008 8:43:18 PM
Are "Highline Billiards" Pool Table Any Good?
I was wondering if anyone knows anything about highline billiards pool tables, I found one and I am thinking of buying it. It looks like a decent table; solid wood construction, 1 inch slate, leather pockets, nice carved legs. It's called "Goats Head" from Highline Billiards. It really seems to be well built, but I am just getting into billiards and don't know much about tables.
Thanks for the help
Are "Highline Billiards" Pool Table Any Good?
Replies & Comments
guest on 6/9/2008 9:53:16 PM
Pool tables by Highland Billiards are cheap import tables. I have worked on a few and was not impressed.
Are "Highline Billiards" Pool Table Any Good?
- Title: Are "Highline Billiards" Pool Table Any Good?
- Author: buckethead
- Published: 5/20/2008 8:43:18 PM