My Object Ball Knocks Opponent's Ball into His Hole, Then Falls Into My Hole
6/17/2023 8:32:44 PM
My Object Ball Knocks Opponent's Ball into His Hole, Then Falls Into My Hole
In a game of bumper pool, I had one ball remaining to pocket, and my opponent had three.
It was my inning and I took my shot to pocket my last ball.
My ball first hit my opponent's ball into their hole, then ricocheted into my correct hole.
Do I win the game in this scenario?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
My Object Ball Knocks Opponent's Ball into His Hole, Then Falls Into My Hole
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 9/5/2023 7:18:28 PM
If I understand your scenario correctly, you've won the game.
- Opponent's balls which you knock into your opponents pocket (the correct pocket for that ball) stay down and are scored in favor of your opponent.
- Since you also put your last ball into the correct pocket, and didn't commit any other serious foul nor a game-losing foul, you've met the requirements to win the game
From the Rules of Bumper Pool (emphasis ours):
Accidentally sink an opponent's ball into your opponent's target pocket
Indirectly pocketing opponent's ball (into the correct pocket) - Any opponent's balls indirectly pocketed as a result of a shot with another ball shall remain pocketed and is scored in favor of the opponent. If a player sinks one of an opponent's balls into the correct pocket, there is no penalty.
My Object Ball Knocks Opponent's Ball into His Hole, Then Falls Into My Hole
- Title: My Object Ball Knocks Opponent's Ball into His Hole, Then Falls Into My Hole
- Author: duckslice1
- Published: 6/17/2023 8:32:44 PM
- Last Updated: 9/5/2023 4:53:00 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)