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My Object Ball Knocks Opponent's Ball into His Hole, Then Falls Into My Hole

My Object Ball Knocks Opponent's Ball into His Hole, Then Falls Into My Hole

In a game of bumper pool, I had one ball remaining to pocket, and my opponent had three.

It was my inning and I took my shot to pocket my last ball.

My ball first hit my opponent's ball into their hole, then ricocheted into my correct hole.

Do I win the game in this scenario?

This question relates to the following billiard rules:

My Object Ball Knocks Opponent's Ball into His Hole, Then Falls Into My Hole

Replies & Comments

  1. duckslice1billiardsforum on 9/5/2023 7:18:28 PM

    If I understand your scenario correctly, you've won the game.

    1. Opponent's balls which you knock into your opponents pocket (the correct pocket for that ball) stay down and are scored in favor of your opponent.
    2. Since you also put your last ball into the correct pocket, and didn't commit any other serious foul nor a game-losing foul, you've met the requirements to win the game

    From the Rules of Bumper Pool (emphasis ours):

    Accidentally sink an opponent's ball into your opponent's target pocket

    Indirectly pocketing opponent's ball (into the correct pocket) - Any opponent's balls indirectly pocketed as a result of a shot with another ball shall remain pocketed and is scored in favor of the opponent. If a player sinks one of an opponent's balls into the correct pocket, there is no penalty.

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My Object Ball Knocks Opponent's Ball into His Hole, Then Falls Into My Hole

  • Title: My Object Ball Knocks Opponent's Ball into His Hole, Then Falls Into My Hole
  • Author:
  • Published: 6/17/2023 8:32:44 PM
  • Last Updated: 9/5/2023 4:53:00 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)