Accidentally Pocket Opponents Ball into Their Own Pocket
2/16/2020 6:20:03 AM
Accidentally Pocket Opponents Ball into Their Own Pocket
In bumper pool, what happens if your opponent hits your ball back into your own pocket where you started from?
Obviously it’s not a two ball penalty as if you were to do it yourself, but does that ball stay in or what?
I’m assuming your opponent loses his turn?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Accidentally Pocket Opponents Ball into Their Own Pocket
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/16/2020 9:34:37 AM
I am not sure if I understand the scenario correctly, but I believe one of the two below rules apply, depending on which scenario you are talking about:
Accidentally sink an opponent's ball into your own target pocket - The opponent removes that ball from the pocket and places it anywhere on the table, and may also remove two of their own balls from the table and drop them into their pocket.
Accidentally sink an opponent's ball into your opponent's target pocket - Indirectly pocket opponent's ball (into the correct pocket)** - Any opponent's balls indirectly pocketed as a result of a shot with another ball shall remain pocketed and is scored in favor of the opponent.
The wording of the rules is a bit wonky, but hope that helps.
Accidentally Pocket Opponents Ball into Their Own Pocket
- Title: Accidentally Pocket Opponents Ball into Their Own Pocket
- Author: Ken Moll
- Published: 2/16/2020 6:20:03 AM
- Last Updated: 2/16/2020 9:31:16 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)