Break Shot Strategy for 3-Ball Billiards?
2/4/2009 6:27:18 AM
Break Shot Strategy for 3-Ball Billiards?
Is there a best breaking strategy associated with 3 ball to increase the chance of pocketing one on the break shot?
Basically, what is the best break shot strategy for 3-ball pool?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Break Shot Strategy for 3-Ball Billiards?
Replies & Comments
Douglas on 3/5/2010 5:33:42 PM
I am also interested in 3-ball pool break shot tips.
What is the best way to sink all three balls in a straight line? There is a bar here in Kansas which has a jackpot of $2000 for the first 3-ball player to sink all three balls at once on a 3-ball break.
Is it possible to pocket all of the balls on a 3-ball break shot? If so, does anyone know how that is done?
Remember, in this scenario, we do a 3-ball rack with the balls racked in a straight line (as shown in the 3-ball rules on this site), and not the triangular version of the 3-ball rack.
DouglasBoss Hogg on 6/7/2010 12:42:21 PM
Here is how to make all three balls on the break shot in a straight 3-ball rack: You will want to hit the balls in the rack from behind. In other words, hit the cue ball off of the back rail into the back of the straight line of racked balls.
I have seen guys make all three balls on the break shot two times in a row with this technique.
I am in Colorado, but for $2000 I might head to KS. What is the name of the bar?
Break Shot Strategy for 3-Ball Billiards?
- Title: Break Shot Strategy for 3-Ball Billiards?
- Author: Stanley
- Published: 2/4/2009 6:27:18 AM
- Last Updated: 6/2/2017 4:40:51 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)