Break First or Let Opponent Break?
2/13/2010 10:28:01 AM
Break First or Let Opponent Break?
Simple question - Regardless the billiard game, do you like to break, or do you prefer to let your opponent break?
Break First or Let Opponent Break?
Replies & Comments
Mitch Alsup on 2/13/2010 12:14:25 PM
I like to break
When playing a player as good or better than me, this allows me to control the game with a soft break, just barely meating the "open break" rule. I figure I can pick balls out of the cluster better than he can pick balls out of the clusters.
When playing a lesser player, or when I realy don't care, I bonk the balls good an just see what happens.
quickshot on 2/13/2010 8:23:18 PM
I does not matter to me. If the rules call for a lag I go with the outcome of the lag and do my best to win regardless of my opponents skills.
Fenwick on 2/14/2010 2:50:47 PM
In league play it's pre determined. In straight pool we lag for the break and it's winners choice. I prefer to break most days. 9 ball same thing, I prefer to break. 8 ball I'll also take the break. Playing one pocket it's a coin flip or a lag then breaks alternate. Having the break is a advantage playing 1 pocket.
billiardsforum on 2/14/2010 2:54:33 PM
Yup, it seems most prefer the break shot, because of the potential it has to give you early control over the game and it's outcome.
Break First or Let Opponent Break?
- Title: Break First or Let Opponent Break?
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 2/13/2010 10:28:01 AM