Van Hirtum Custom Cues Nashua NH
NOTE: Van Hirtum Custom Cues of Nashua, NH is no longer in business and this location is CLOSED.
Van Hirtum Custom Cues Nashua NH
Van Hirtum Custom Cues Address
- Hillsborough County
- Timezone: EST
Alternate Names
- Van Hirtum Custom Cues and Repair
- Len Van Hirtum Custom Cues
- Van Hirtum Cues
- Len Van Hirtum Pool Cues
- Leonard Van Hirtum Custom Cues
- Van Hirtum Custom Cues and Cue Repair
- Hirtum Custom Cues
Contact Van Hirtum Custom Cues
Reach Van Hirtum Custom Cues using the contact info below:
Van Hirtum Custom Cues Nashua Phone Number
- (877) 295-5832 (Van Hirtum Custom Cues Toll Free Phone)
- (603) 943-5643 (Van Hirtum Custom Cues Contact Number)
- (603) 759-7249 (Len's Cell Number)
Van Hirtum Custom Cues Website
- (Van Hirtum Custom Cues Contact EMail)
Van Hirtum Custom Cues Facebook
Logos for Van Hirtum Custom Cues Nashua, NH
Van Hirtum Custom Cues Nashua, NH logos. These are past and/or current logos and trademarks used by Van Hirtum Custom Cues based out of Nashua, NH

A logo from Van Hirtum Custom Cues in Nashua, NH.

A Van Hirtum Custom Cues logo. Van Hirtum Custom Cues is a small custom cue maker shop based out of Nashua, NH and run by Leonard Van Hirtum.
Marketing Materials from Van Hirtum Custom Cues Nashua, NH
Past marketing materials, advertisements, and flyers by Van Hirtum Custom Cues Nashua, NH.

An old website header from Van Hirtum Custom Cues based out of Nashua, NH, showing the bobcat - which is the name of a line of cues made by Van Hirtum Cues.

A flyer showing some wood stock used in Van Hirtum Custom Cues . Van Hirtum was a custom cue maker based out of Nashua, NH. The text says "Our objective is solid customer services, and [to] provide our customers with the cue they want to play better and have fun with this wonderful sport".
Len Van Hirtum Cue Maker at Van Hirtum Cues
Pictures of the owner and custom cue maker Len Van Hirtum of Van Hirtum Custom Cues in Nashua, NH.

Len Van Hirtum of Van Hirtum Custom Cues in Nashua, NH.

Van Hirtum Cues cue maker Leonard Van Hirtum behind his lathe in his Nashua, NH cue making shop.

Van Hirtum Cues cue maker and owner Leonard Van Hirtum of Nashua, NH
Cue Service by Van Hirtum Custom Cues Nashua, NH
Pictures showing the workshop where Len Van Hirtum Custom Cues does it's cue making and provides all of their pool cue services in Nashua, NH.

From the cue-maker: Here is a photo of one of my three 13' X 40" lathes which I use for custom cue making. One is sut up with a custom made taper bar for cue shafts and one with a custom made taper bar for cue butts. I also have three CNC machines

The Van Hirtum Custom Cues pool cue services all happen in Len's Nashua, NH pool cue shop.

Len calls this his "Workshop Pool Table R & D Center" where he can test out new designs for pool cues and fine tune custom pool cues for customers.
Van Hirtum Custom Cues Nashua - Billiard Services
Van Hirtum Custom Cues and Pool Cue Repair offer a full suite of pool cue repair services in the Nashua, New Hampshire area.
Van Hirtum Custom Cues
Cue Maker - Len Van Hirtum
Custom Cues and Cue Repair Service
Cue Repairs by Len Van Hirtum
Len believes his repair work is a tremendous learning tool because it requires a “first hand” review of the construction of cues from many cue makers and manufacturers, both domestic and international. Len does exceptional cue repair work, at bargain prices.
Van Hirtum Custom Cues provides full service cue repairs, and pool cue shaft repairs. Len frequently sponsors nine ball,eight ball,tournaments, does off-site cue repairs.
Many of Len's regular customers and local pool halls regularly bring it their cues for repair; please check out the customer testimonials on the website.
We can complete our customer’s cue repairs, generally within 24 hours from the time our customer’s drop off their cues at the store which is located at 48 Bridge St, Nashua, NH.
Pool Cue Repair Prices
Cue Tips Replacement
- Le Pro, Elk Master, Triangle and Triumph Tip Installed; No work on ferrule or shaft - $15
- Water Buffalo (Hard Tip, good for breaking for playing) - $18
- Moori, Kamui, Everest, Sniper (Soft, Medium or Hard) - $30
- Kamui Black - $35
- Talisman, Hercules or similar tip (Soft, Medium Soft, Medium or Hard) - $40
- Super Pro Extra Hard Layered Breaker Tip or equivalent - $40
- Fiber Pad (Black only) - $12
- Install Tip that is provided by customer - $12
- Ferule Replacement includes Le Pro, Elk Master or Triumph Tip - $40
- Numerous Other tips are available, please ask or call for Pricing
Pool Cue Shaft Maintenance
- Recondition (clean, remove dents, seal & wax) - $15 plus ( Depends on the extent of dents, & shaft condition)
- Clean and Polish Shaft - $8
- Re-taper shaft or Resize Shaft under 1/4mm - $30
- Re-taper or resize shaft by machine - $45
- Custom Replacement Shaft - $125 to $175
- Replace Joint Collar, Fancy Trim Extra - $50 Plus
- Replace But Cap - $50 Plus
- Clean & re-press Customer Irish Linen - $30
- Leather Wrap - $100 Plus Depending on Leather
- Cut Groove for wrap if possible - $40
- Wraps, Irish Linen - $65
- Refinish one of my cues (with or w/o Irish Linen - $125
- Refinish another maker’s cue - $150
- Replace joint pin - $75
- Change weight bolt, if possible - $15
- Add a weight bolt, if possible - $15
- Volume repairs to House Cues - Priced by Quantity (single cue is $15.00, six or more $12.00
- Note: Cost of Repairs while you wait (if timing is possible) - $5.00 extra
Van Hirtum Custom Cues Nashua - Manufacturer Info
Len’s custom pool cue shop, Van Hirtum Custom Cues, resides downstairs in the same classic mill building which houses Len's retail store, Break & Run Billiards. His website went online in October 2009.
Len is known to give customers a tour of his shop, if they like, and maybe even play a game or two.
We are located on the ground level, around the back of the building. Please call with any questions.
About the Cue Maker, Len Van Hirtum
Len Has been building cues since his college years, and has been seriously building cues since 2004. He has been a competative pool player since his early teens. Len also manages a retail billiards and recreational store.
About Van Hirtum Custom Pool Cues
Our objective is strong customer service. We strive to provide customers with the cue that they want, to play better and to have fun with this wonderful sport
We manufacture and repair billiard and pool cues. Our private line of Bobcat Cues are exceptional bargains and perform well. We carry a varied line for all of our customers.
Visit the shop or call Len to discuss building your own custom pool cue.
Private "Bobcat Cue" Line
Our private line of Custom Cues designed and constructed by Len Van Hirtum. Bobcat cues are known for their strong playing performance, low prices, and the artistic quality expected from a custom-made cue.
Van Hirtum Custom Cues makes unique pool cues; Cues can be special ordered, or you can pick one from the cues which I try to keep in stock in our brick and mortar retail store, The Total Gamester - Break and Run Billiards. This is getting harder to do, with their popularity of Van Hirtum Custom Cues and our Bob Cat cues growing.
Van Hirtum Custom Cues and Bob Cat Cues specialize in high quality handcrafted cues to one of a kind pool cues. Custom-made two-piece cues are built to our exacting specifications. Collectible, hand made cues for pocket billiards built by a custom cue maker with high standards and integrity.
You deserve the very best pool cues! Van Hirtum Custom Cues and Bob Cat Custom Cues uses only legally obtained materials like elephant ivory and exotic woods to build cues. The very best custom made pool cue is what every serious pool player deserves.
If you are the pool player think about it. Pool is your passion. Len knows because he has played pool since he was eight years old; growing up in Green Brook, New Jersey. Len played with the likes of Steve Mizerak when Steve owned a pool room in Metuchen, New Jersey while Steve was still teaching school in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Len has played in and haunted pool halls and pool tournaments in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and throughout the East Coast.
Len asks, don’t you deserve the best cue stick you can get?
Van Hirtum Custom Cues and Bob Cat Cues is directly behind Len's retail store, The Total Gamester - Break and Run Billiards.
The Custom Cue Shop - 2009
Len Van Hirtum Custom Cues has the following cue-making equipment in the shop:
- Three 13x40 Machine Lathes and a Bridgeport Heavy Duty Milling Machine – uses include the cutting of our traditional points and inlays and we use it with a dividing Head Set to cut our rings and collars.
- Three Wood Lathes, a CNC Inlay Machine which we use for cutting points and inlays
- A 17 inch heavy duty band saw (one of its uses is for cutting maple our laminated cue shafts)
- A 5 HP table saw, (one of its uses is for the ripping of 8 quarter rough wood stock for both our shafts and butts)
- A 10 inch commercial jointer
- 15 inch commercial wood planer
- A 12x25 foot temperature and humidity controlled wood storage room
- A slew of other various woodworking equipment to support the needs of both cue repair and custom cues.
We have the capacity to produce up to 3,000 shafts a year and, it is our objective to produce up to 100 custom cues per year.
The Custom Shop - 2011
As of November 2011, the The Van Hirtum Custom Cues shop includes the following major pieces of equipment:
- Three 13 X 40 Machine lathes, each of which is set up with very accurate three jaw chuck on the outside of each lathe’s headstock
- Our Shopfox 13 X 40 lathe is designated for all of our general purpose work
- Our Birmingham 13 X 40 lathe is set up with custom designed taper bars for cue butt work
- Our Jet 13 X 40 lathe is set up with custom designed taper bars for shaft work
- We have two wood lathes both of which are used for cue sanding and repair work one of these lathes was custom made for Len
- We have a 17 inch heavy duty band saw which we use for many facets of our work including the cutting of point material
- We have a small bench top band saw which we occasionally use for cutting small inlays
- We have a gantry type four axis CNC machine which has lathe turning unit which we use for both shafts and butts and this CNC machine is also configured with an Indexing Head which we use for cutting our forearm points, inlay pockets and inlays. This is a very solid and reliable CNC machine which we purchased from K2 CNC products; it is highly accurate and very versatile.
- We have a four axis Taig CNC Milling Machine which we regularly use for our high quality inlays and inlay pockets
- Dust Collection: Each major piece of equipment within our shop is connected to our 5 HP cyclone dust collection system
- Our spray booth, while made in-house has an explosion proof exhaust motor which is ducted directly to the outside of our building. This booth can accommodate three cues at once; we typically apply nine coats of two part automotive clear coat finish to all of our cues
- We have two heavy duty table saws; one is a 3 phase, 5 HP unit which we seldom use and our workhorse table saw is a 5 HP unit equipped with a built in router table; Len also builds various pieces of custom furniture and he considers this table saw as critical for his custom furniture work
- We have two wood planers, including a heavy duty 17 inch planer which we use for planning rough wood and we have a smaller planer which we use for varied work including the trimming of point material and sizing turning squares
- We have a two ton hydraulic press which is set up with a custom-made Aluminum Plate vise system which we use to compress our veneer stacks; we take considerable attention to this veneer compression process to ensure the veneer stacks are consistently sized
- We have a large workbench which Len custom made; the top of this bench is constructed with Mahogany and Maple and the top alone weighs in excess of 350 lbs. Len built this workbench to accommodate the clamping needs of his custom furniture and this bench is heavily used for Len’s Cue Veneer work. Len believes that much of a custom cue’s beauty and design comes from the design, construction and quality of his veneers
- We have an Arbor Press which Len uses to compress cue tips upon customer request
- The shop contains quite a bit of other equipment which is too numerous to mention
More on Cue-Maker Leonard Van Hirtum
Leonard (Len) is a cue maker in the Nashua, NH area of New England. Len has been building cues since his early college years and he has been seriously building cues since 2004./ He was taught by Bill Dominiak, President of Dominiak Custom Cues and Cue Stock, Inc. Production is currently about 75 to 125 cues per year from the local shop consisting of both traditional and laminated cue shafts. These are available in various stages of completion from rough to final finish.
In addition to Len's cue-making business, Len also runs a brick and mortar pool and recreational products retail shop and an online pool and recreational products store.
Len and his team build cues the both "old fashion way" while he uses a CNC tapering machine for tapering both butts and shafts. This enables Len to produce high quality pool cue butts and shafts with high efficiency. Additionally, Len uses his CNC-driven milling machine to design and build points and inlays in cue forearms, handles and butt sleeves. His traditional Bridgeport Boring and Milling machine is used to cut traditional points, making rings and joint collars, as well as performing general machining. The final product results in cue with not only a solid, yet soft hit, but are also good looking. Costs are kept down by keeping the cue line "simple, yet still sweet" when hitting the ball. Additionally, Len and his team can produce elegant cues with multi color veneers with either overlapped or folded/mitered veneers. Len believes the folded/mitered veneer method provides a much more precise and attractive end-product.
Prior to committing much of his efforts to cue-making, Len made his first cue while he was in college in New Jersey where he worked for Frank Paradise, the original founder of Palmer Custom Cues. Also, Len has been playing pool competitively since his early teens. Over the years, he has had the opportunity to learn and play serious nine-ball with some notable players in New Jersey including Steve Mizerak and Joe Colavita. Len has taken his love of the game and his woodworking experience, combining them to produce custom cues and the construction of shafts. The shafts are now supplied throughout the U.S.
More on Van Hirtum Custom Cues
Len also believes his repair work is a tremendous learning tool because it requires a "first hand" review of the construction of cues from many cue makers and manufacturers, both domestic and international.
Van Hirtum Custom Cues also provides quick turn-around cue and shaft repairs. The Break and Run Billiards "Old Mill" retail store located at 48 Bridge Street, Unit 2A, Nashua, NH, provides a very diverse and extensive range of products, excellent customer service, very competitive pricing. The Break and Run Billiards Internet store has approximately 5,000 products and represents most suppliers and manufacturers for both pool and other recreational products.
Van Hirtum Custom Cues's Bobcat line of cues are built by hand in Nashua, New Hampshire. These custom cues are made to be affordable, while at the same time providing each customer with a true custom cue-making experience. > Van Hirtum Custom Cues strives for precision, craftsmanship, and playability when making cues. Additionally, it is very important that all Break and Run Billiards and Van Hirtum Custom Cue customers have fun playing this wonderful sport with creative, yet, functionally designed cues.
Len frequently remarks:
"Our retail store provides me the opportunity to talk with our customers - to 'talk shop', renew old friendships and develop new ones, but workshop is where I really prefer to be, because that's where my heart is."
Van Hirtum Custom Cues's basic cue has either a Bird’s Eye Maple or Curly maple forearm, handle and butt sleeve and offers this cue with either an Irish Linen or Leather handle wrap. Van Hirtum Custom Cues favors a 3/8-10 joint screw directly into a wood joint in the shaft. Van Hirtum Custom Cues also will make cues with a standard stainless steel joint collar butt cap and brass shaft insert. The standard trim ring behind the stainless steel color is 1/4 inch black linen which is identical to the shaft trim ring. Van Hirtum Custom Cues typically uses either a white or black. Van Hirtum Custom Cues, based on the customer’s request, will stain the cue.
Van Hirtum Custom Cues also has the ability to produce shafts with customized tapers. Van Hirtum Custom Cues favors a fairly stiff taper which increases about .005 in the first 9”. Van Hirtum Custom Cues's shafts generally come with an Aegis 2 ferrule however, Van Hirtum Custom Cues will, based on the customer’s preference, use ivory or other ferrule materials. The tip on his standard shaft can be an Elkmaster, Triangle, or a Le Pro, however, Van Hirtum Custom Cues prefers a Kamui medium or a Moori.
Van Hirtum Custom Cues will frequently make a cue with a figured or exotic wood handle that Van Hirtum Custom Cues believes compliments the overall appearance of their cues. Van Hirtum Custom Cues will, at the customer’s reques,t clear coat an Irish linen wrap. Van Hirtum Custom Cues will frequently use various exotic woods in the forearm and buttsleeve that increases the cost of the cue. Van Hirtum Custom Cues will add custom rings at the standard A, B, C, D and E locations on his cues.
We'll add points to the forearm which can be spliced or are available with colored veneers. Van Hirtum Custom Cues cue points can be either CNC or traditional using the Bridgeport Milling machine and a dividing head. Van Hirtum Custom Cues will install various custom inlays, based on the customer’s reques. Van Hirtum Custom Cues he will use ivory, mother of pearl, abalone and other materials in his inlay work.
Van Hirtum Custom Cues Sneaky Petes
Van Hirtum Custom Cues offers butts made with Cocobolo, Rosewood, Bacote, Purpleheart and other exotic woods. Sneaky Pete prices start at $265.00 and go higher based on the type of wood requested, the standard joint is a 3/8-10, an Aegis 2 or Ivorine ferrule and either, as standard, a Triangle or Le Pro tip and without or without a joint collar.
Van Hirtum Custom Cues Nashua Business Information
Van Hirtum Custom Cues Nashua Employees
Name | Role(s) | Phone | |
Leonard Van Hirtum (Len Van Hirtum) | Owner, Custom Cue Maker | (603) 759-7249 (Len Van Hirtum Cell) |
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Van Hirtum Custom Cues Nashua is connected with these Billiards Forum users:
- Len Van Hirtum (Owner, Cue Maker)
- Title: Van Hirtum Custom Cues Nashua
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 3/19/2018 6:12:44 AM
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