Thomas Aaron Billiards Stuart FL
Thomas Aaron Billiards Stuart FL
Thomas Aaron Billiards Address
365 NE Baker Rd
Stuart, FL 34994 USA
- Martin County
- Timezone: EST
Contact Thomas Aaron Billiards
Reach Thomas Aaron Billiards using the contact info below:
Thomas Aaron Billiards Stuart Phone Number
- (772) 692-3544 (Billiard Supply Sales)
- (772) 692-1878
- (866) 659-3930 (Billiard Table Manufacturing & Wholesale - Toll Free)
- (772) 692-3813
Thomas Aaron Billiards Google+
Thomas Aaron Billiards Stuart - Manufacturer Info
Connoisseurs and novices alike appreciate the elegance and quality built into every Thomas Aaron Billiard table. For over a decade, we have designed and manufactured custom tables to meet the exacting standards of professional billiard players, celebrities and a select clientele. It is with this same expertise and care that we have created a new line of tables that will exceed the expectations of billiard players and homeowners everywhere. We invite you to experience the fine craftsmanship evident in our richly grained hardwoods, exotic burls and hand carved details, all gracefully proportioned and thoughtfully executed on each design. Inspired and created to reflect the timeless appeal of classic furniture styles, our unique billiard tables complement today's home furnishings. This fresh, decorative look is further enhanced with our coordinating cue racks, chairs and accessories for each style of table. Delve deeper and discover the strength beneath the beauty. Ours is a table built for performance and longevity. Once you have had the opportunity to play on one, you will recognize the professional accuracy and quality of play, inherent in every Thomas Aaron Billiard table. At Thomas Aaron Billiards, we are dedicated to manufacturing billiard tables that embody the finest elements of structure and design to enhance your lifestyle. Thomas Aaron Billiards warrants its billiard tables for the life of the table. Please see an authorized dealer for further details.
Thomas Aaron Billiards Stuart Business Information
Entity ID | P03000107036 |
US SOS ID | domp-p03000107036-9264c111-49b3-41a9-a699-1ab68ae68a93 |
Entity US State of Registration | FL |
Date Registered | 9/25/2003 |
Date Dissolved | 9/27/2013 |
Business Type | Domestic For-Profit Corporation |
FEI EIN Number | 510483619 |
Stated Purpose of Formation | Manufacturing and distribution of game tables. |
Date of Last Data Refresh | 4/9/2015 10:07:37 PM |
Thomas Aaron Billiards Stuart Employees
Name | Role(s) | Phone | |
Thomas Cartwright | Owner, President | ||
Anna Cartwright | Vice President | ||
Aaron T. Cartwright | Secretary | ||
Allison Cartwright | Treasurer |
Other BusinessesView Other Billiard Businesses in The Area: |
- Title: Thomas Aaron Billiards Stuart
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 9/18/2008 3:02:15 AM
- Last Updated: 1/23/2014 7:12:11 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
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