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Take a Break Spas & Billiards Springville UT

Take a Break Spas & Billiards Springville UT

Take a Break Spas & Billiards Address

Take a Break Spas & Billiards Springville Logo Take a Break Spas & Billiards

1575 S 1950 W STE 2
Springville, UT 84663-5705 USA
  • Utah County
  • Timezone: MST
Take a Break Spas & Billiards of Springville, UT is part of the Take a Break Spas & Billiards franchise/group of companies. Other nearby Take a Break Spas & Billiards locations include:

Alternate Names

  • Take a Break Billiards

Contact Take a Break Spas & Billiards

Reach Take a Break Spas & Billiards using the contact info below:

Take a Break Spas & Billiards Springville Phone Number

  • (801) 489-6005 (Take A Break Billiards Contact Phone Number)

Take a Break Spas & Billiards Website

  • https://www.takeabreakspas.com


  • (801) 836-8565 (Take a Break Billiards Fax Number)


  • sales@takeabreakspas.com (Take A Break Billiards Email Address)

Take a Break Spas & Billiards Facebook

  • https://www.facebook.com/TakeABreakSpasAndBilliards

Take a Break Spas & Billiards BBB

  • https://www.bbb.org/us/ut/springville/profile/hot-tub-parts/take-a-break-spas-billiards-inc-1166-22315121

Take a Break Spas & Billiards YouTube

  • https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIlE64s2euewjaa-mOyayjg

Logos for Take a Break Spas & Billiards Springville, UT

Trademarks and Logos for Take a Break Spas & Billiards Springville, UT, including past and current designs.

Take a Break Spas & Billiards Logo, Springville, UT

A logo from Take a Break Spas & Billiards in Springville, UT.

Logo for Take a Break Spas & Billiards Springville, UT

A Take a Break Spas & Billiards logo. Take a Break Spas & Billiards is a _ based out of Springville, UT.

Take a Break Spas & Billiards Logo, Springville, UT

A logo from Take a Break Spas & Billiards in Springville, UT.

Logo for Take a Break Spas & Billiards Springville, UT

A Take a Break Spas & Billiards logo. Take a Break Spas & Billiards is a _ based out of Springville, UT.

Take a Break Spas & Billiards Logo, Springville, UT

A logo from Take a Break Spas & Billiards in Springville, UT.

Logo for Take a Break Spas & Billiards Springville, UT

A Take a Break Spas & Billiards logo. Take a Break Spas & Billiards is a _ based out of Springville, UT.

Owners of Take a Break Spas & Billiards Springville, UT

Managers and owners of Take a Break Spas & Billiards Springville, UT.

Take a Break Spas & Billiards Springville, UT Owners Dave and Tanya Johnson

Dave and Tanya Johnson, owners and managers of Take a Break Spas & Billiards pool table store and service company in Springville, UT.

Take a Break Spas & Billiards Springville, Utah

Store photos of Take a Break Spas & Billiards in Springville, UT.

Take a Break Spas & Billiards Springville, UT Storefront

The front entrance of Take a Break Spas & Billiards, a pool table store in Springville, UT.

Storefront at Take a Break Spas & Billiards of Springville, UT

The store front of Take a Break Spas & Billiards, a Springville, UT billiard supply and pool table service company.

Take a Break Spas & Billiards Springville, UT Storefront

The front entrance of Take a Break Spas & Billiards, a billiard supply store in Springville, UT.

Storefront at Take a Break Spas & Billiards of Springville, UT

The store front of Take a Break Spas & Billiards, a Springville, Utah pool table store.

Take a Break Spas & Billiards Springville, Uah

The front entrance of Take a Break Spas & Billiards.

Photos from Inside Take a Break Spas & Billiards Springville, UT

Photos from inside the Break Billiards store in Springville, Utah.

Billiards Section at Take a Break Spas & Billiards in Springville, UT

The billiards area inside of Take a Break Spas & Billiards, a pool table dealer in Springville, UT.

Pool Table Selection at Take a Break Spas & Billiards of Springville, UT

Pool tables at Take a Break Spas & Billiards, a Springville, Utah billiard supply shop.

Take a Break Spas & Billiards Springville, Utah

Billiard supplies, pool tables, and gameroom furniture section at the Take a Break Billiards store in Springville, Utah.

Take a Break Spas & Billiards Springville Business Information

Entity ID 6210393-0142
Entity Legal Name Take a Break Spas & Billiards, Inc.
Entity US State of Registration UT
Date Registered 5/8/2006
Entity Status Active
Business Type Corporation - Domestic - Profit
Date of Last Data Refresh 12/1/2020

Take a Break Spas & Billiards Springville Employees

Dave JohnsonOwner, Take a Break Billiardsdjoperations@hotmail.com
Tanya JohnsonOwner, Take a Break Spas & Billiards
Mike JohnsonGeneral Manager, Take a Break Spas & Billiards
Ryan JohnsonMarketing Manager

Key Dates

  • Take a Break Spas & Billiards Springville was founded on 2006-05-08


  • Billiard Service
  • Billiard Supplies


  • Billiard Table Recovering
  • Billiard Table Service
  • Billiard Table Repair
  • Pool Table Sales Dealers
  • Billiard Equipment and Supplies
  • Pool Table Movers

Other Businesses

View Other Billiard Businesses in The Area:

  • Title: Take a Break Spas & Billiards Springville
  • Author: (Billiards Forum)
  • Published: 12/1/2020 12:30:50 PM
  • Last Updated: 12/2/2020 8:09:28 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum

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