Table Tek Hatfield PA
Table Tek Hatfield PA
Table Tek Address
- Montgomery County
- Timezone: EST
Alternate Names
- Table Tek Pool Table Service
- Table Tek Billiard Service
Contact Table Tek
Reach Table Tek using the contact info below:
Table Tek Hatfield Phone Number
- (844) 822-5835 (Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm, Toll Free (844-TABL-TEK))
- (215) 855-5691 (Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm)
- (215) 622-8899 (After hours and emergencies)
Table Tek Website
- (Billiard Table Service)
Table Tek Facebook
Logos for Table Tek Hatfield, PA
Table Tek Hatfield, PA logos. These are past and/or current logos and trademarks used by Table Tek Hatfield, PA
Past Marketing Materials from Table Tek Hatfield, PA
Past marketing materials, advertisements, flyers by Table Tek Hatfield, PA.

This is a flyer from Table Tek in Hatfield, PA showing the service area in which they do pool table work.
Photos of Table Tek Hatfield, PA
Store photos of Table Tek Hatfield, PA, including photos of the signage and storefront.
Table Tek Hatfield - Billiard Services
Table Tek specializes in antique pool table restoration.
We are a full service pool table repair company in Hatfield PA. We travel to NY, NJ, PA, MD, DE and longer on a case by case basis.
At Table Tek pool table services, our main business is to maintain your pool tables so you get the most enjoyment and life out of it regardless of the environment it is in. A commercial pool table will see much more play and abuse than any other style, it is important to properly maintain them to keep them in the best shape for as long as possible. If your tables have issues or if you are just looking for advice or how to proceed we would suggest to have an evaluation, we can help you.
Our business started in the commercial pool table market, and we continue to work in it. Our business is unlike most other as we are looking to setup maintenance plans which would benefit both us and you on the long term. Instead of worrying about where the money is coming from during a slow period, a monthly amount assures that the work will be done when it needs to regardless of the season. Our plans are flexible to suit your needs, within your budget and around your requirements. Below are some of the services we regularly offer. If this sounds like something you might be interested in, contact us to schedule your in person consultation immediately. currently we are limiting how many maintenance plans we take on so as to assure the best service to our many customers.
- Rail work, such as sub-rail extensions and installing new cushions
- Recovering/Refelting the pool table
- Shimming pockets or changing pocket angles
- Leveling and testing the pool tables to make sure they play true
- Installing new pool tables
- Disassembling, moving and reassembling pool tables to their new location
- Slate repair
Table Tek Hatfield Business Information
Entity ID | 4179309 |
Entity Legal Name | Table Tek Inc. |
Entity US State of Registration | PA |
Date Registered | 4/1/2013 |
Entity Status | Active |
Business Type | Business Corporation |
Registered Address(es) | Apt 4 Registered Address Type(s):
Date of Last Data Refresh | 1/22/2017 |
Table Tek Hatfield Employees
Name | Role(s) | Phone | |
Robert Kay (Rob Kay) | Owner, Pool Table Mechanic |
Other BusinessesView Other Billiard Businesses in The Area: |
Table Tek Hatfield is connected with these Billiards Forum users:
- Rob Kay (Owner)
- Title: Table Tek Hatfield
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 1/23/2017 10:48:35 AM
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