T&M Billiards & Barstools North Windham CT
T&M Billiards & Barstools North Windham has moved in the past. Here is the list, in order, of locations:
- T&M Billiards & Barstools - 560 Main St in Willimantic, CT (previous location)
- T&M Billiards & Barstools - 107 Boston Post Rd in North Windham, CT (this page)
T&M Billiards & Barstools North Windham CT
T&M Billiards & Barstools Address
107 Boston Post Rd
North Windham, CT 06256 USA
- Windham County
- Timezone: EST
Alternate Names
- T & M Billiards & Bar Stools
- T&M Amusements
- T&M Distributors, Inc.
Contact T&M Billiards & Barstools
Reach T&M Billiards & Barstools using the contact info below:
T&M Billiards & Barstools North Windham Phone Number
- (860) 456-4231 (Billiard Supply Sales)
T&M Billiards & Barstools Website
- http://www.tandmbilliardsandbarstools.com
- http://www.tmamusements.com
- (860) 456-9359
- info@tmamusements.com
- contact@tmamusements.com
- sales@tmamustments.com
- tandmdist@aol.com
T&M Billiards & Barstools Facebook
- https://www.facebook.com/pages/TM-Billiards-and-Barstools/172889216066796
T&M Billiards & Barstools BBB
- http://www.bbb.org/connecticut/business-reviews/bar-supplies/t-m-distributors-inc-in-rocky-hill-ct-2001246
T&M Billiards & Barstools Twitter
- https://twitter.com/tandmbilliards
T&M Billiards & Barstools North Windham Business Information
T&M Billiards & Barstools North Windham Employees
Name | Role(s) | Phone | |
Douglas T. Riquier | Owner, President | ||
Thomas Riquier | Chairman of the Board |
Other BusinessesView Other Billiard Businesses in The Area: |
Location Tags
- Alternate City Name: T&M Billiards & Barstools in Windham
- Title: T&M Billiards & Barstools North Windham
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 12/30/2013 8:07:06 AM
T&M Billiards & Barstools North Windham Comments
Christy Desiree from Waterford, CT on 2/11/2020 11:54:13 AM
Hello Doug,
I wanted to inquire if you would be interested in expanding T&M Billiards & Barstools into the Crystal Mall, a Simon Property, located in Waterford, CT. I am looking for something that is exciting and as unique as each of your pool tables and bar stools.
I have a couple of vacant store locations within the Crystal Mall that range from 6,000 square feet to 10,000 square feet. These might be perfect if you are interested in expanding your billiards business by opening a satellite store in a tourist area. We offer flexible rents and we can work within your budget to make it profitable for you.
Please advise. Thank you for your time and consideration. Enjoy your day!
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