Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards Dartmouth NS
Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards Dartmouth NS
Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards Address
- County
- Timezone: AST
Other cue sport businesses at this address:
Alternate Names
- Shot'z Billiards Burnside
- Shot'z Billiards Dartmouth, NS
- Shot'z Golf and Billiards Burnside
Contact Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards
Reach Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards using the contact info below:
Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards Dartmouth Phone Number
- (902) 468-1549 (Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards)
Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards Website
- (902) 468-4513 (Shot'z Billiards Burnside Fax Number)
- (Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards)
Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards Facebook
Logos for Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards Dartmouth, NS
Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards Dartmouth, NS logos. These are past and/or current logos and trademarks used by Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards Dartmouth, NS
Photos from Inside Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards Dartmouth, NS
Photos from inside Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards Dartmouth, NS.

Shooting pool at Shot'z Billiards in Dartmouth, NS.

Playing pool at Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards in Dartmouth, NS.

Playing pool at of Shot'z Golf & Billiards in Burnside, NS.

Pool player at Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards in Dartmouth, NS.

The pool table layout at Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards in Dartmouth, NS.

A snooker table at Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards in Dartmouth, NS.

Shooting pool at Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards in Dartmouth, NS.

Billiard Players at Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards in Dartmouth, NS.
Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards Dartmouth - Billiard Services
We provide a wide range of services ranging from tip replacement to pool table moving, installation and cloth replacement. See our list below and call us at 468-1549 for more details.
- Pool cue tip replacement (Elkmaster, LePro)
- Pool table installation
- Other general pool table services.
Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards Dartmouth - Pool Hall Info
Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards features full-sized snooker tables. The upstairs section houses three 12' Westbury snooker tables with one more on the way.
From the Shot's Billiards website:
Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards is located (formerly known as the Burnside Snooker Club) we have recently gone under new ownership and management and are looking to overhaul the image of this 20 year old business!
Aside from a face lift we have added 2 brand new golf simulators, moved our snooker tables upstairs for a more private feel and re-felted our tables with the finest cloth in a tournament blue that you have to see to appreciate!
So if you're looking for a perfect place for your next night out, a company event, party, date night or even heading out with the kids, then we've got you covered!
We are the only billiard hall in Dartmouth with a license that accommodates minors, and our golf simulators have arcade games like soccer, hockey and baseball which the kids (and adults) will love!
So come on in and check us out! Look for the old signage under "The Burnside Snooker Club".
Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards Dartmouth Business Information
Entity ID | 3278775 |
Entity Legal Name | Shotz Indoor Golf and Billiards |
Entity US State of Registration | NS |
Date Registered | 2/20/2014 |
Entity Status | Revoked for Non-Payment |
Business Type | Partnership/Business Name |
Date of Last Data Refresh | 3/6/2017 |
Date Dissolved | 4/8/2015 |
Stated Purpose of Formation | Operation of billiard hall, indoor golf and food establishment. |
Registered Address(es) | 7417 Highway 354(North Noel Rd) Registered Address Type(s):
Entity ID | 3273694 |
Entity Legal Name | 3273694 Nova Scotia Limited |
Entity US State of Registration | NS |
Date Registered | 7/11/2013 |
Entity Status | Revoked for Non-Payment |
Business Type | N.S. Limited Company |
Date of Last Data Refresh | 3/6/2017 |
Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards Dartmouth Employees
Name | Role(s) | Phone | |
Brian White | Manager |
Other BusinessesView Other Billiard Businesses in The Area: |
- Title: Shot'z Indoor Golf & Billiards Dartmouth
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 3/6/2017 6:55:55 AM
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