SD's Billiard Service Westminster CA
SD's Billiard Service Westminster has moved in the past. Here is the list, in order, of locations:
- SD's Billiard Service - 7242 Fenwick Ln in Westminster, CA (this page)
- SD's Billiard Service - 555 S Euclid St in Fullerton, CA (next loc)
- SD's Billiard Service - 1225 Burton St in Fullerton, CA (latest location)
SD's Billiard Service Westminster CA
SD's Billiard Service Address
- Orange County
- Timezone: PST
Alternate Names
- SD Billiard Service
- Billiards by SD
- SD's Pool Table Sales and Service
- SD Billiard Services
- S D Billiard Svc
- SD's Billiard Service and Pool Tables
Contact SD's Billiard Service
Reach SD's Billiard Service using the contact info below:
SD's Billiard Service Westminster Phone Number
- (714) 379-8983 (Pool Table Moving, Repair, Service, Sales)
- (866) 379-8983
SD's Billiard Service Website
- (714) 379-8983
People and Employees from SD's Billiard Service Westminster, CA
Pictures of the owners of SD's Billiard Service Westminster, California.
Logos for SD's Billiard Service Westminster, CA
SD's Billiard Service Westminster, CA logos. These are past and/or current logos and trademarks used by SD's Billiard Service Westminster, CA

A logo from SD's Billiard Service in Westminster, CA.

A SD's Billiard Service logo. SD's Billiard Service is a billiard service company based out of Westminster, CA.

A logo from SD's Billiard Service in Westminster, CA.

A SD's Billiard Service logo. SD's Billiard Service is a pool table service based out of Westminster, CA.

A logo from SD's Billiard Service in Westminster, CA.
SD's Billiard Service Westminster - Billiard Services
Why choose SD Billiards
The reason for choosing SD Billiards is anyone can sell or deliver a pool table, BUT few people can install a pool table that will play to professional standards. Here at SD Billiards the 'Play' of a pool table is very important. It starts with the level, an accurately leveled table comes from precision equipment; a Starrett Improved Machinist Level will get the table near perfect.
Next, the bed-cloth must be pulled evenly; the trick is stretching the bed-cloth to leave enough cloth for the pockets without thinning the cloth on top. The thinning is caused by excessive stretching. I use an 18-step process to achieve a consistently pulled bed-cloth on a staple bed type tables. The process is time consuming and tedious, I will staple one portion and rotate to another side to pull and staple, I will end up rotating to 18 spots on the table. The theory is similar to that of tighting lug nuts on an automobile.
Covering the rails: it is important to make the featherstrip the correct size. A featherstrip too large can cause damage to the cloth a sometimes to the rail and a featherstrip too small won't hold the cloth in the rail. Also, It is important when covering the rails that the cloth isn't pulled too tight, this will cause stress on the rubber cushion and will make the play inconsistent.
It is important to have a good middleman when purchasing a table. Check with your retailer to check the credentials of their mechanics. A lot of retailers will use sub-contractors for their installations, the job usually goes to the lowest bidder. These sub-contractors must do multiple deliveries per day to make money. This puts them on a strict schedule and may sacrifice the play of the table if the table doesn't get the attention it needs.
Background & Introduction
Hello, I'm Sundown Wessels, the owner and creator of SD Billiards. My passion for Billiards started when I was a young teenager with the family pool table. I would play pool for hours after school and sometimes during (sorry mom), practicing english or shooting games with my friends. My career began the day I graduated when I went to my favorite billiards supply shop, Golden West Billiards in Orange, CA. Goldenwest Billiards in Orange worked on the retail end of pool tables and servicing mostly residential and some commercial tables. I began working in the warehouse refurbishing used tables and soon began doing installations and service work. A few years down the road, After the manufacturers of Goldenwest Tables had moved up north, Golden West Billiards had converted from retail sales and service to a pool hall called "Danny K's". At this point I had switched to a different line of work, but had often been summoned to do recoveries and repairs just by word of mouth. Then in year 2000, I decided to start SD Billiards. I now advertise in the local yellow pages in Huntington Beach, CA and neighboring cities.
Ethics & Commitments
I was lucky from the start, in the fact that I was trained by some of the best in the business. I learned great techniques on recoveries, leveling, moves and various repairs. I would like to thank John Campbell and Julio Lopez for most of my training. The aspects that set me and my techniques apart from my competitors is some basic techniques that allow me to get the bed cloth stretched evenly, cloth stapled deep in the pockets, installation of rubber cushion, tight rail recoveries with perfect side pockets, and most of all I level my tables with a machinist level compared to most mechanics that use a carpentors level.
SD's Billiard Service Westminster - Store Info
SD Billiards Sales Mission – to give our customers a good quality product that performs to the best of its potential, to educate and enthuse our customers about the sport of billiards and to make your pool table purchase a pleasurable and fun experience. At SD Billiards, you can expect the owner to: answer the phone, handle the sales and personally do the work or installation. However wearing all these hats puts me in the position of how to be at two places at the same time. I realize this is an inconvenience, for prospective table buyers to make an appointment to view the showroom. So I have reduced my prices significantly to make up for the inconvenience. You owe it to yourself, to take the time, make an appointment and see my showroom before making your table purchase. For the people who do come down about 75% of them end up purchasing. I carry the Imperial International Collection of pool tables. The Imperial collection is perfect for any home, whether a garage, game room or versatile family room. All Imperial tables come with Brazilian Slates, crafty workmanship and backed with lifetime warranties. Imperial has been serving the billiard industry since 1954.
SD's Billiard Service Westminster Business Information
SD's Billiard Service Westminster Employees
Name | Role(s) | Phone | |
Sundown D. Wessels | Owner | ||
Donny Wessels | Owner |
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- Title: SD's Billiard Service Westminster
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 9/18/2008 3:02:15 AM
- Last Updated: 4/9/2019 12:37:54 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
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