Saunier Wilhem Greensboro NC
Saunier Wilhem Greensboro NC
Saunier Wilhem Address
2707 S Elm Eugene St
Greensboro, NC 27406-3624 USA
- Guilford County
- Timezone: EST
- Saunier Wilhem Birmingham, AL (closed)
Alternate Names
- Saunier-Wilhem Company, Inc.
- Saunier Wilhem Co. of NC
- Saunier Wilhem Company of North Carolina, Inc.
- Saunier-Wilhem Co. Office & Sales Room
Contact Saunier Wilhem
Reach Saunier Wilhem using the contact info below:
Saunier Wilhem Greensboro Phone Number
- (336) 272-3412 (Billiard Supply Sales)
Saunier Wilhem Website
- (336) 272-9794
Saunier Wilhem BBB
Saunier Wilhem Greensboro Business Information
Saunier Wilhem Greensboro Employees
Name | Role(s) | Phone | |
Clarence Jernigan | President | ||
Carolyn Pergerson | Manager | ||
Buddy Finlen | Assistant Manager |
Other BusinessesView Other Billiard Businesses in The Area: |
Location Tags
- Tertiary Administrative Area: Saunier Wilhem in Gilmer
- Title: Saunier Wilhem Greensboro
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 9/18/2008 3:02:15 AM
- Last Updated: 11/22/2013 9:20:33 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
Saunier Wilhem Greensboro Comments
Steve H from Eden, NC on 11/29/2018 7:32:30 AM
Are you open? I tried to reach you via telephone, but there was no connection.
- What are your hours?
- What is your phone Number?
Stevebilliardsforum from Halifax, NS on 11/30/2018 4:08:06 PM
The Saunier Wilhem pool table company is no longer in business. It says that in a yellow highlighted box at the top of the page.
Is there something specific you are looking for?
Steve H from Eden, NC on 12/1/2018 10:12:31 AM
I am looking for the value of a Saunier Wilhem pool table I bought from you 40+ years ago.
billiardsforum from Halifax, NS on 12/7/2018 5:09:59 PM
As mentioned previously, the Saunier Wilhem company is long gone.
If you want help valuing a Saunier Wilhem pool table, you'll need to upload high quality photos so we can see what we're dealing with.
Jim R. Smith from Cary, NC on 4/10/2022 11:10:39 AM
I am looking for an old (or new) Amos and Andy board.
Saunier Wilhem used to make them.
If anyone knows where to find one please contact me.
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