Master Billiards Service Plaistow NH
Master Billiards Service Plaistow has moved in the past. Here is the list, in order, of locations:
- Master Billiards - 160 Plaistow Rd in Plaistow, NH (previous location)
- Master Billiards - PO Box 482 in Plaistow, NH (this page)
Master Billiards Service Plaistow NH
Master Billiards Address
- Rockingham County
- Timezone:
Alternate Names
- Master Billiards Pool Table Service Plaistow
- Master Billiards Service NH
Contact Master Billiards
Reach Master Billiards using the contact info below:
Master Billiards Service Plaistow Phone Number
- (603) 231-5345 (Master Billiards Pool Table Service Plaistow Phone Number)
Master Billiards Website
- (Master Billiards New Hampshire Email Address)
Master Billiards Facebook
Logos for Master Billiard Service Plaistow, NH
Master Billiards Service Plaistow, NH logos. These are past and/or current logos and trademarks used by Master Billiards pool table service company in Plaistow, New Hampshire.

A logo from Master Billiards in Plaistow, NH.

A Master Billiards logo. Master Billiards is a pool table service company based out of Plaistow, NH.
People and Employees from Master Billiards Plaistow, NH
Pictures of the owners of Master Billiards Plaistow, NH and/or Master Billiards Plaistow, NH employees/staff.

Joe Morasse and Lori Beard, owners of Master Billiards pool table service company in Plaistow, NH.

Master Billiards of Plaistow, NH owner Joe Morasse
Marketing Materials from Master Billiards Plaistow, NH
Past marketing materials, advertisements, and flyers by Master Billiards Plaistow, NH.
Master Billiards Service Plaistow - Billiard Services
At Master Billiards we offer a full range of pool table services:
- Assemble and disassemble pool tables
- Re-covering new and used pool tables
- Misc other pool table services
We always provide professional and friendly service, and we're fully insured.
Master Billiards Service Plaistow Business Information
Entity ID | 664882 |
Entity Legal Name | Master Billiards, LLC |
Entity US State of Registration | NH |
Date Registered | 1/23/2012 |
Entity Status | Good Standing |
Business Type | Domestic Limited Liability Company |
Date of Last Data Refresh | 1/31/2019 |
Master Billiards Service Plaistow Employees
Name | Role(s) | Phone | |
Joe Morasse | Owner, Master Billiards New Hampshire | (603) 231-5345 (Joe Morasse Master Billiards Cell) | |
Lori Beard | Owner, Master Billiards Pliastow |
Other BusinessesView Other Billiard Businesses in The Area: |
- Title: Master Billiards Service Plaistow
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 1/31/2019 4:06:09 AM
- Last Updated: 1/31/2019 2:43:00 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
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