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Katz Billiards Forest Grove OR

NOTE: Katz Billiards pool hall in Forest Grove Oregon is no longer in business and this location is CLOSED.

Visit the Ballad Town Billiards Forest Grove page for info on the business here before Katz Billiards.

Katz Billiards Forest Grove OR

Katz Billiards Address

Katz Billiards Forest Grove Logo Katz Billiards Forest Grove

2036 Pacific Ave
Forest Grove, OR 97116-2357 USA
  • Washington County
  • Timezone: PST

Alternate Names

  • Katz Billiards Pool Hall

Contact Katz Billiards

Reach Katz Billiards using the contact info below:

Katz Billiards Forest Grove Phone Number

  • (503) 357-1111 (Katz Billiards Portland Phone Number)

Katz Billiards Website

Katz Billiards Facebook

  • https://www.facebook.com/katzbilliards

Katz Billiards Twitter

  • https://twitter.com/billiardskatz

Logos for Katz Billiards Forest Grove, OR

Logos from Katz Billiards pool hall in Forest Grove, OR.

Katz Billiards Logo, Forest Grove, OR

A logo from Katz Billiards in Forest Grove, OR.

Inside Katz Billiards Pool Hall in Forest Grove, OR

Photos from inside the now-closed Katz Billiards in Forest Grove, Oregon.

Katz Billiards Forest Grove, OR Pool Hall

The pool hall area inside of Katz Billiards, a billiard room in Forest Grove, OR.

Pool Tables at Katz Billiards of Forest Grove, OR

Shooting pool at Katz Billiards, a Forest Grove, OR pool room.

Photos of Katz Billiards Forest Grove, OR

Katz Billiards Forest Grove, OR pool room.

Katz Billiards Forest Grove, OR Storefront

The front entrance of Katz Billiards, a pool hall in Forest Grove, OR.

Storefront at Katz Billiards of Forest Grove, OR

The store front of Katz Billiards, a Forest Grove, OR billiard room.

Sign at Katz Billiards Forest Grove, Oregon

The front entrance sign of Katz Billiards, a place to play pool in Forest Grove, OR.

Katz Billiards of Forest Grove, Oregon

The store front of Katz Billiards of Forest Grove, Oregon.

Katz Billiards Forest Grove - Pool Hall Info

Katz pool hall has seven pool tables which have recently been fully resurfaced. Bring your own cue or use one of ours at no additional charge.

  • $7.00/hr
  • $1.00/hr for tournament players.
  • Free pool for Pacific students with Boxer card.

Katz Billiards Forest Grove Business Information

Entity ID 1209534-92
Entity Legal Name TCL Ventures
Entity US State of Registration OR
Date Registered 4/21/2016
Entity Status Active
Business Type Domestic Limited Liability Company
Date of Last Data Refresh 3/7/2019
Registered Trade Name(s)
Trade Name Entity ID 1257749-92
Trade Name Status Inactive
Trade Name US State of Registration OR
Trade Name Katz Billiards
Date Registered 2016-10-12
Date Dissolved 2018-10-12
Trade Name Type Assumed Business Name

Katz Billiards Forest Grove Employees

Tony LamarOwner, Katz Billiards


  • Pool Halls


Other Businesses

View Other Billiard Businesses in The Area:

  • Title: Katz Billiards Forest Grove
  • Author: (Billiards Forum)
  • Published: 3/7/2019 4:22:50 PM
  • Last Updated: 3/8/2019 2:34:19 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum

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