Jointed Cue Billiards Sacramento CA
Jointed Cue Billiards Sacramento CA
Jointed Cue Billiards Address
2375 Fruitridge Rd
Sacramento, CA 95822-3131 USA
- Sacramento County
- Timezone: PST
Alternate Names
- Stoniers Pool Hall
- Stoniers Pool Cue Repair
- Stonier's Billiard Cue Pro-Shop
- Stonier's Billiard Pro Shop
- Stoniers Pro Shop
- The Jointed Cue Billiards
Contact Jointed Cue Billiards
Reach Jointed Cue Billiards using the contact info below:
Jointed Cue Billiards Sacramento Phone Number
- (916) 456-3243 (Jointed Cue Billiard Shop)
- (916) 456-2284 (Stoniers Billiard Pro Shop)
Jointed Cue Billiards Facebook
Jointed Cue Billiards Google+
Jointed Cue Billiards Sacramento - Billiard Services
Stonier's Billiard Cue Pro Shop of Sacremento California offers a range of professional pool cue repair services and custom pool cue work.
Jointed Cue Billiards Sacramento - Store Info
Stonier's Billiard Pro Shop specalizes in billiard cues and custom pool cues. They sell both new and used pool cues in the Sacremento CA area.
Jointed Cue Billiards Sacramento - Pool Hall Info
Apparently Jointed Cue Billiards pool hall, known for it's "pool world famous cheeseburgers" has the best double bacon cheeseburger in California, and the prices are very good. There are over 20 reviews on Yelp averaging 4 out of 5 stars, and also they have over 400 "likes" on facebook. I would say this place is a winner, despite it's ghetto look. The pool tournament room has a good amount of Brunswick pool tables too. As advertised on all staff t-shirts: "Play Pool Fool"!
Jointed Cue Billiards Sacramento Business Information
Jointed Cue Billiards Sacramento Employees
Name | Role(s) | Phone | |
Terry Stonier | Founder | ||
Dave Stonier | Owner |
Other BusinessesView Other Billiard Businesses in The Area: |
Location Tags
- Neighbornood Short Name: Jointed Cue Billiards in Hollywood Park
- Title: Jointed Cue Billiards Sacramento
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 9/18/2008 3:02:15 AM
- Last Updated: 12/29/2013 7:28:12 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
Jointed Cue Billiards Sacramento Comments
Louis Morales from Keystone Heights, FL on 9/17/2024 1:52:09 PM
I see that you do cue repair.
Can you refurbish my original 1975 Terry Stonier cue butt?
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