Howard Smith Custom Cues Charlotte NC
NOTE: Smith Custom Pool Cues of Charlotte, NC has moved and this location is CLOSED. The current address is at 6805 Shiloh Ridge Ln in Charlotte, NC.
Howard Smith Custom Cues Charlotte has moved in the past. Here is the list, in order, of locations:
- Smith Handcrafted Cues - 2410 W Sugar Creek Rd in Charlotte, NC (this page)
- Smith Handcrafted Cues - 6805 Shiloh Ridge Ln in Charlotte, NC (latest location)
Howard Smith Custom Cues Charlotte NC
Smith Handcrafted Cues Address
2410 W Sugar Creek Rd Ste A
Charlotte, NC 28262-3188 USA
- Mecklenburg County
- Timezone: EST
Other cue sport businesses at this address:
- Silvertime Billiards & Darts (moved)
Alternate Names
- Smith Handcrafted Custom Cues
- Smith Cues
- Howard Smith Custom Cues
- Smith Handcrafted Custom Cues
- Smith Custom Cues
Contact Smith Handcrafted Cues
Reach Smith Handcrafted Cues using the contact info below:
Howard Smith Custom Cues Charlotte Phone Number
- (704) 597-1376 (Billiard Supply Sales)
Smith Handcrafted Cues Website
- (704) 597-7220
Howard Smith Custom Cues Charlotte - Store Info
You can place your special order today for one of these fine Smith Handcrafted Custom Cues, call Howard at 704-597-1376
Howard Smith Custom Cues Charlotte - Manufacturer Info
At Smith Custom Handcrafted Pool Cues, we can make almost anything you want in a cue. From the standard to the very unique. Just give me a call and we can discuss your ideas on what you would like your cue to look like. Remember it will be one of a kind made just for you.
Howard Smith Custom Cues Charlotte Business Information
Howard Smith Custom Cues Charlotte Employees
Name | Role(s) | Phone | |
Howard Smith | Owner |
Other BusinessesView Other Billiard Businesses in The Area: |
Location Tags
- Neighbornood Short Name: Smith Handcrafted Cues in Mineral Springs
Howard Smith Custom Cues Charlotte is connected with these Billiards Forum users:
- Howard Smith (Owner, Cue Maker)
- Title: Howard Smith Custom Cues Charlotte
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 4/2/2014 7:37:26 AM
Howard Smith Custom Cues Charlotte Comments
Howard Smith from Charlotte, NC on 5/24/2019 9:19:42 AM
I am Howard Smith of Smith Custom Cues in Charlotte North Carolina.
I have move to 6805 Shiloh Ridge Lane, Charlotte North Carolina,
The new phone numbers are:
- 980-236-7842 Shop
- 704-868-0050 Cell
The shop is open 8 days a week and I work by appointment. You must call before you come.
billiardsforum from Halifax, NS on 5/28/2019 1:47:37 AM
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