Grandview Billiards Florissant MO
Grandview Billiards Florissant MO
Grandview Billiards Address
11633 W Florissant Ave
Florissant, MO 63033 USA
- Saint Louis County
- Timezone: CST
Alternate Names
- Grandview Billiards & Darts
- Grandview Billiards Supply
Contact Grandview Billiards
Reach Grandview Billiards using the contact info below:
Grandview Billiards Florissant Phone Number
- (314) 838-3333 (Billiard Supply Sales)
Grandview Billiards BBB
Grandview Billiards Florissant Business Information
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Location Tags
- Tertiary Administrative Area: Grandview Billiards in Ferguson
- Title: Grandview Billiards Florissant
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 9/18/2008 3:02:15 AM
- Last Updated: 2/21/2014 4:26:39 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
Grandview Billiards Florissant Comments
Dave Raycraft from Florissant, MO on 12/11/2010 11:05:07 PM
This is for the owner at Grandview Billiards & Darts. How are you? I'm David Raycraft. I worked for your grandpa "Blacke" and I played pool with you a lot of years ago. I was with Janis the pool gal at the time at "Last Chance" billiards and I got a two piece house stick from you at the Grandview Billiards & Darts store on West Florissant Ave in Florissant, MO.
I'm looking for a two piece house cue. Something weighing about 17 oz or 18 oz.
I would appreciate a response.
Dave Raycraft
(314) 681-2814Thanks, and I hope to hear from you soon.
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