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Corner Billiards New York NY

NOTE: Corner Billiards is no longer in business and this location is CLOSED. Amsterdam Billiards is now in this location.
Visit the Amsterdam Billiards New York page for info on the business here after Corner Billiards.

Corner Billiards New York NY

Corner Billiards Address

Corner Billiards New York Logo Corner Billiards New York

85 4th Ave OFC
New York, NY 10003 USA
  • New York County
  • Timezone: EST

Other cue sport businesses at this address:

    Contact Corner Billiards

    Reach Corner Billiards using the contact info below:

    Corner Billiards New York Phone Number

    • (212) 995-1314 (Pool Hall, Billiard Instruction)

    Corner Billiards Website

    • http://www.cornerbilliards.com


    • (212) 995-0135


    • info@cornerbilliards.com

    Corner Billiards Google+

    • https://plus.google.com/109648801298771705518

    Photos from Inside Corner Billiards New York, NY

    Photos from inside Corner Billiards New York, NY.

    Corner Billiards Pool Hall New York, NY

    Corner Billiards pool hall in New York, NY.

    Shooting Pool at Corner Billiards New York, NY

    Shooting pool at Corner Billiards in New York, NY.

    Photos of Corner Billiards New York, NY

    Store photos of Corner Billiards New York, NY.

    Corner Billiards New York, NY Sidewalk Sign

    The sidewalk sign near the front entrance of Corner Billiards in New York, NY.

    Store front at Corner Billiards New York, NY

    The store front of Corner Billiards in New York, NY.

    Logos for Corner Billiards New York, NY

    Corner Billiards New York, NY logos. These are past and/or current logos and trademarks used by Corner Billiards New York, NY

    Corner Billiards New York, NY Logo

    This is a logo from Corner Billiards in New York, NY.

    Logo, Corner Billiards New York, NY

    A Corner Billiards in New York, NY logo.

    Corner Billiards Pool Hall New York, NY Logo

    This is a logo from the Corner Billiards pool hall in New York, NY.

    Past Marketing Materials from Corner Billiards New York, NY

    Past marketing materials, advertisements, flyers by Corner Billiards New York, NY.

    Corner Billiards New York, NY Article 1998 Best New York

    This is a 1998 article from the "Best New York" magazine featuring Corner Billiards in New York, NY.

    Corner Billiards New York, NY Table Time Price List

    A flyer showing pool table time prices from Corner Billiards in New York, NY.

    1998 New York Press Article on Corner Billiards New York, NY

    This is a 1998 New York Press article featuring the Corner Billiards pool hall in New York, NY.

    Corner Billiards New York - Pool Hall Info

    Welcome to Corner Billiards. Make your plans to visit our newly renovated space join a league, we have a variety of leagues for various skill levels. Plan a party, inquire about hosting special events and our bar and facility rental or choose to have it catered featuring cocktails, sandwiches or a dinner menu. Enjoy an afternoon or evening playing pool with friends and also enjoy our new zinc bar and new cafe menu.

    We have 28 well-maintained tables, most of them with Simonis cloth, we are currently replacing them with Brunswick Gold Crown 4's. We are open seven days a week, Sundays thru Thursdays, 11:30 AM until 1:30 AM. On Fridays & Saturdays, we are open from Noon till 2:30 AM. Our address is 85 Fourth Ave, on the Corner of 11th St. Near Union Square, Easily accessible by subway or bus-just call for directions! Our phone number is 212 995-1314. The rates vary from time of day and week, as well as how many players you have at the table. See our rate sheet below. Your time is always pro rated - Play as long as you like!

    Corner Billiards New York Business Information

    Corner Billiards New York Employees

    Ria KatzManagerria@cornerbilliards.com


    • Pool Halls
    • Billiard Lessons


    Other Businesses

    View Other Billiard Businesses in The Area:

    Location Tags

    • Sub-Locality Name: Corner Billiards in Manhattan
    • Neighbornood Short Name: Corner Billiards in East Village
    • Title: Corner Billiards New York
    • Author: (Billiards Forum)
    • Published: 9/18/2008 3:02:15 AM
    • Last Updated: 1/5/2014 6:53:24 PM
    • Last Updated By: billiardsforum

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