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Columbia Billiard Center Columbia MO

NOTE: Columbia Billiard Center of Columbia, MO is no longer in business and this location is CLOSED. There is a new pool hall here now call Billiards on Broadway.

Columbia Billiard Center Columbia has moved in the past. Here is the list, in order, of locations:

  1. Columbia Billiard Center - 114 S 9th St in Columbia, MO (previous location)
  2. Columbia Billiard Center - 514 E Broadway in Columbia, MO (this page)
Visit the Billiards on Broadway Columbia page for info on the business here after Columbia Billiard Center.

Columbia Billiard Center Columbia MO

Columbia Billiard Center Address

Columbia Billiard Center Columbia

514 E Broadway
Columbia, MO 65201-4440 USA
  • Boone County
  • Timezone: CST

Alternate Names

  • Billiard Center of Columbia
  • Columbia Billiard Supply

Contact Columbia Billiard Center

Reach Columbia Billiard Center using the contact info below:

Columbia Billiard Center Columbia Phone Number

  • (573) 449-0116 (Pool Hall - Local Phone)

Columbia Billiard Center Columbia Business Information


  • Billiard Supplies


Other Businesses

View Other Billiard Businesses in The Area:

  • Title: Columbia Billiard Center Columbia
  • Author: (Billiards Forum)
  • Published: 2/21/2014 2:36:07 PM

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