Billiards Digest Chicago IL
Billiards Digest Chicago IL
Billiards Digest Address
- Cook County
- Timezone: CST
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Billiards Digest of Chicago, IL is part of the Luby Publishing franchise/group of companies. Other nearby Luby Publishing locations include:Alternate Names
- Luby Publishing, Inc.
- Billiards Digest Magazine
- Luby Publishing
Contact Billiards Digest
Reach Billiards Digest using the contact info below:
Billiards Digest Chicago Phone Number
- (312) 341-1110 (Luby Publishing/Billiards Digest Magazine Corporate Office)
Billiards Digest Website
- (312) 341-1469 (Billiards Digest Magazine Fax)
- (Luby Publishing Contact Email)
Billiards Digest Facebook
Billiards Digest Twitter
Logos for Billiards Digest Chicago, IL
Billiards Digest Chicago, IL logos. These are past and/or current logos and trademarks used by Billiards Digest Chicago, IL

This is a logo from Billiards Digest Chicago, IL.

A Luby Publishing logo. Luby Publishing is the parent company of Billiards Digest Chicago, IL.

A Luby Publishing logo. Luby Publishing is the parent company of Billiards Digest Chicago, IL.

An older Luby Publishing logo. Luby Publishing is the parent company of Billiards Digest Chicago, IL.

This is a logo from Billiards Digest in Chicago, IL.

A Billiards Digest in Chicago, IL logo.

This is a logo from Billiards Digest in Chicago, IL.
People and Employees from Billiards Digest Chicago, IL
Pictures of the owners of Billiards Digest Chicago, IL and/or Billiards Digest Chicago, IL employees/staff.

Keith Hamilton is the owner of Luby Publishing, Inc, the company that pubslihes Billiards Digest Chicago, IL.
Past Marketing Materials from Billiards Digest Chicago, IL
Past marketing materials, advertisements, flyers by Billiards Digest Chicago, IL.
Billiards Digest Chicago - Publication Info
Billiards Digest, the leader in billiards news and information for the past 20 years, increased its frequency from a bi-monthly to a monthly newsstand magazine on Feb. 1, 1998.
Since its inception, Billiards Digest magazine has provided billiard enthusiasts with the most comprehensive array of instructional columns, tournament reports, industry news and revealing features in the pool world.
Billiards Digest Magazine continues its commitment to the billiard audience by providing a broader scope of pool in America and cue sports around the world.
Billiards Digest Magazine History
Luby Publishing was founded by Dave Luby in 1913 and published bowling magazines. In 1978, it published the first issue of Billiards Digest Magazine.
In 1994, Mort Luby Jr. sold the company to two long-time employees, Keith Hamilton and Mike Panozzo; the acquisition included Bowlers Journal International and Billiards Digest, as well as the annual Bowlers Journal bowling tournament.
Since then, Luby Publishing has continued to publish Billiards Digest and has also launched several new titles, including Billiard Retailer Magazine.
Billiards Digest Magazine Circulation and Readership
Billiards Digest is a big, colorful, informative magazine edited by professional journalists. Editorial content includes interviews with leading pool personalities, profiles on top players, instructional tips from the game's top instructors, complete coverage of all major tournaments, new products, trick shots, and just about everything a billiard fan could possibly wish for.
Billiards Digest's world-wide paid circulation totals more than 15,000, but surveys indicate that actual readership is much more. An all-important segment of Billiards Digest's circulation goes to the trade - the rooms, dealers, distributors and manufacturers who supply America's 32 million players. Of the 225,000 copies of Billiards Digest distributed annually, more than 30,000 are sold over the counter at leading billiard supply outlets and rooms. Additionally, Billiards Digest has the largest newsstand distribution in the industry, putting more than 6,000 copies of each issue in bookstores across the U.S.
Billiards Digest was founded in 1978 by America's oldest publisher of sports magazines, Luby Publishing, Inc. The company began publishing Bowlers Journal, the world's foremost bowling magazine, in 1913. It has since expanded into several other fields.
Billiards Digest Chicago Business Information
Entity ID | 23704153 |
Entity Legal Name | Luby Publishing, Inc. |
Entity US State of Registration | IL |
Date Registered | 9/24/1934 |
Entity Status | Active |
Business Type | Domestic BCA |
Registered Address(es) | |
Date of Last Data Refresh | 1/26/2017 |
Billiards Digest Chicago Employees
Name | Role(s) | Phone | |
Mike Panozzo | Publisher | (312) 341-1110 Ext 229 (Mike Panozzo Direct Phone) |
Kim Levandowsk | Billiards Digest Circulation | | |
Laura Vinci | Billiards Digest Production Coordinator | | |
Nick Leider | Associate Editor, Billiards Digest | (312) 341-1110 Ext 237 (Nick Leider Direct Phone) | |
Carla Bonner | National Sales, Billiards Digest | |
Other BusinessesView Other Billiard Businesses in The Area: |
Location Tags
- Neighbornood Short Name: Billiards Digest in Chicago Loop
- Title: Billiards Digest Chicago
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 1/26/2017 7:59:24 PM
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