Billiard Barn Newville PA
Billiard Barn Newville has moved in the past. Here is the list, in order, of locations:
- Billiard Barn - 3798 Walnut St in Harrisburg, PA (previous location)
- Billiard Barn - 2547 Ritner Hwy in Carlisle, PA (previous location)
- Billiard Barn - 107 Carlisle Rd in Newville, PA (this page)
Billiard Barn Newville PA
Billiard Barn Address
Billiard Barn Newville
107 Carlisle Rd
Newville, PA 17241-9400 USA
107 Carlisle Rd
Newville, PA 17241-9400 USA
- Cumberland County
- Timezone: EST
Alternate Names
- Carlisle Billiard Works
Contact Billiard Barn
Reach Billiard Barn using the contact info below:
Billiard Barn Newville Phone Number
- (717) 319-7676 (Billiard Supply Sales)
- (717) 243-2363 (Billiard Service - Alternate Local Phone)
- (717) 385-1211 (Patrick Sutton - Assistant)
Billiard Barn Website
Billiard Barn Newville Business Information
Billiard Barn Newville Employees
Name | Role(s) | Phone | |
Clyde Sutton | Owner | ||
Patrick M. Sutton | Assistant | | |
Cynthia L. Sutton | Owner |
Other BusinessesView Other Billiard Businesses in The Area: |
Location Tags
- Tertiary Administrative Area: Billiard Barn in West Pennsboro
- Title: Billiard Barn Newville
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 6/5/2014 9:23:36 PM
Billiard Barn Newville Comments
Laura Lynn from West Hill, PA on 7/23/2018 9:12:25 AM
I have an Irving Kaye "K" 6-FT commercial pool table which was removed from a family bar in the late 1960s. One leg is broken, but it is otherwise in good condition.
Do you buy used pool tables? If not, how much would you suggest that I list it for? Photo below.
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