Avenue Billiards Jackson MI
Avenue Billiards Jackson MI
Avenue Billiards Address
- Jackson County
- Timezone: EST
Alternate Names
- Ave Billiards
- Club Avenue
- Get' er Done Avenue Billiards
- the Avenue
Contact Avenue Billiards
Reach Avenue Billiards using the contact info below:
Avenue Billiards Jackson Phone Number
- (517) 788-9953 (Pool Hall - Local Phone)
- (517) 787-8052
Avenue Billiards Website
- http://www.avenuebilliards.com
Avenue Billiards Facebook
- https://www.facebook.com/pages/Avenue-Billiards/134920019908209
- https://www.facebook.com/pages/Avenue-Billiards-Music-Room/382307221788995
Avenue Billiards Google+
- https://plus.google.com/100077748115599459411
Past Marketing Materials from Avenue Billiards Jackson, MI
Past marketing materials, advertisements, flyers by Avenue Billiards Jackson, MI.
Logos for Avenue Billiards Jackson, MI
Avenue Billiards Jackson, MI logos. These are past and/or current logos and trademarks used by Avenue Billiards Jackson, MI

This is an older logo from Avenue Billiards in Jackson, MI.

A Avenue Billiards in Jackson, MI logo.

This is a logo from Avenue Billiards in Jackson, MI.
Photos of Avenue Billiards Jackson, MI
Store photos of Avenue Billiards Jackson, MI.

The front entrance of Avenue Billiards in Jackson, MI.

The store front of Avenue Billiards in Jackson, MI.

The front entrance of Avenue Billiards in Jackson, MI.

A car show at Avenue Billiards in Jackson, MI.

The parking lot of Avenue Billiards in Jackson, MI.

The car show at Avenue Billiards in Jackson, MI.

The front entrance of Avenue Billiards pool hall in Jackson, MI.

Outside of Avenue Billiards Pool Hall in Jackson, MI.
People and Employees from Avenue Billiards Jackson, MI
Pictures of the owners of Avenue Billiards Jackson, MI and/or Avenue Billiards Jackson, MI employees/staff.

Christy and Richard Avenue Billiards Staff Jackson, MI

Christy and Brandy Avenue Billiards Staff Jackson, MI

Holly and Christy Avenue Billiards Staff Jackson, MI

Karen, Iceman, and Brandy Avenue Billiards Jackson, MI

Karen, Holly, and Robin Avenue Billiards Jackson, MI

Avenue Billiards in Jackson, MI staff Mike.

Randy Gattshall is the owner at Avenue Billiards in Jackson, MI.

Richard at Avenue Billiards Jackson, MI
Photos from Inside Avenue Billiards Jackson, MI
Photos from inside Avenue Billiards Jackson, MI.
Pool table area inside of Avenue Billiards in Jackson, MI.

Pool League Team "Colliding Spheres" at Avenue Billiards Jackson, MI

Pool League Team "Fast N Furious" at Avenue Billiards Jackson, MI

Pool League Team "Get er Done" at Avenue Billiards Jackson, MI

Shooting pool at Avenue Billiards in Jackson, MI.

Pool tables at Avenue Billiards pool hall in Jackson, MI

Avenue Billiards Jackson, MI Billiard Tables Section
Avenue Billiards Jackson - Pool Hall Info
Welcome To the Avenue, we have a lot great fun here, awesome pool playing, In the back room, we have a dj, and we have bands, big stage and big dance floor. Please call the Avenue for all tournament details, tuesday night nine 9-ball sign up at 7 pm players meeting 7:45 play at 8:00pm. sunday night 8-ball sign up at 7:00pm players meeting at 7:45 play at 8:00 pm. Also ask about the dates of the Saturday Tournaments.
Avenue Billiards Jackson Business Information
Avenue Billiards Jackson Employees
Name | Role(s) | Phone | |
Randy Gattshall | Owner | ||
Pat Gattshall | Owner | ||
Tim Corser | Manager | ||
Bill Brown | Manager |
Services |
Other BusinessesView Other Billiard Businesses in The Area: |
- Title: Avenue Billiards Jackson
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 9/18/2008 3:02:15 AM
- Last Updated: 2/19/2014 11:47:55 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
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