Annie O's Custom Cues Houston TX
Annie O's Custom Cues Houston TX
Annie O's Custom Cues Address
9208 Rasmus Dr Ste 1
Houston, TX 77063-4047 USA
- Harris County
- Timezone: CST
Alternate Names
- Annie O's Billiard Pro Shop
- Annie O's Custom Pool Cues
- AO Custom Cue
- Annie O's Billiard Professional Shop
- Annie O's Pro Shop
- AO Custom Cues & Pro Shop
Contact Annie O's Custom Cues
Reach Annie O's Custom Cues using the contact info below:
Annie O's Custom Cues Houston Phone Number
- (832) 767-2469 (Billiard Supply Sales, Pool Table Service)
- (832) 251-0055
- (877) 470-7467 ((877) 470-SHOP - Cue Sales - Toll Free)
Annie O's Custom Cues Website
- (832) 251-0066
Annie O's Custom Cues BBB
Annie O's Custom Cues Houston - Billiard Services
I have the knowledge and experience to do all types of repair work on any cue. Your cue is an investment and I can help you protect it by providing the regular maintenance it needs. The workmanship is guaranteed and each cue is inspected carefully before it is returned to you. To get an explanation of any of the repairs listed or other options, please call our customer service line at 1-832-251-0055. To ship your two-piece cue to us, please use a 1/8" to 1/4"-thick-wall round tube that is 32" to 34" long. These are available at most UPS stations, carpet and drapery centers, art stores, etc. Wrap the cue in several layers of newspapers for protection. Inside the tube or box include your name, address and phone number, complete repair instructions and form of payment. Please do not send your cue to us in your cue case.
Annie O's Custom Cues Houston - Store Info
Welcome to Annie O's Billiard Pro Shop home of AO Custom Cues. Here at Annie Os Pro Shop you can find pool cues, custom cues, and pool cue parts. Also, we carry billiard accessories and cue sport supplies here at Annie O's Billiard Pro Shop in Houston, Texas.
Annie O's Custom Cues Houston - Manufacturer Info
At Annie O's Custom Cue and Billiard Pro Shop, you will find the famous AO-E cue shaft, the 35 layer laminated shaft with almost ZERO deflection, and examples of many of the handcrafted custom cues I have built. Custom designed, handcrafted pool cues are my specialty. Please feel free to email me with your custom cue design.
About AO Custom Cues
Try the "Predator Competitor" -- The 72 Layer, 1/4 Radially Laminated Cue Shaft with almost Zero Deflection!
Hey I received the (New ProPlus) shaft a few days back and it is simply amazing, I just got used to it in an hours time. It is really an amazing shaft you have made. You might want to suggest the idea of your shaft to predator haha, and the uni loc joint which you sent does get tight when you tighten it which gives a very solid feedback.
-- Thanks a lot, Vijesh 12/18/06
Dear, Annie, I recieved my Pro-Plus shaft and thanks for the careful packing. The shaft fits perfect on on both of my cues. The shaft has a very solid, stable and consistent hit with a lot of feel. I also get more cue ball action from this shaft than any other shaft I have tried. I asked my uncle 30 years ago how to select the right cue and he said, " I use the Johnny Holiday method the cue that I get the most cue ball action with especially draw is the right cue". This shaft fits the bill. Oh! I almost forgot, 0 deflection and I mean zero! These are the reasons I ordered another one the day after I recieved the shaft. Needless to say I am pleased.
Thanks again, Mark McInroe 5/19/07
I don't say "You dream it, I'll build it" for nothing! Welcome and thank you for your interest in AO Custom Cues. AO Custom Pool Cues are handcrafted for the serious collector and the discerning player. The custom cue process begins with a commitment to total quality control. Exacting standards throughout each step in crafting of the custom cue provide the beauty and exceptional craftsmanship which is our trademark.
Custom designs, using inlays such as Mother of Pearl, exotic woods, and precious stones, assure that each cue is not just a work of art, but is a cue with superior playability. Players on the professional tour as well as amateur players throughout the world consider AO Custom Cues to be among the leaders in custom cue technology and craftsmanship.
Most parts and components used in crafting the custom cue are made right here in the shop. Most cuemakers purchase these parts from vendors. At AO Custom Cues we prefer to make the parts ourselves to insure that the highest quality is built into every cue we build.
The woods selected for use in every cue are individually selected for exceptional beauty and visual grain structure. These handcrafted custom cues are built employing traditional methods, as well as new technologically advanced methods, with only the finest materials available from around the world. Strict attention to detail with an emphasis on playability is paid to every custom pool cue regardless of price.
There is no mass production, nor are there any shortcuts taken in the craftsmanship of AO Custom Cues. Only a limited number of cues are made each year. Every custom cue is test hit and carefully inspected to ensure the quality of each AO Custom Cue before it leaves the shop. Our custom cues are guaranteed against construction defects that are not the result of warpage and abuse.
AO custom cues specializes in making one-of-a-kind cues and will make a custom cue based on your specifications and requests. AO custom pool cues can satisfy your every want and desire in a pool cue. Give us your designs and we will work with you to make your cue a truly unique combination of function and art. If you are interested in purchasing an AO Custom Cue, or would like additional information about our cues or the AO-E shaft technology, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you. You may select various cue options for each custom cue including the various woods used for the forearm, butt sleeve, points, veneers and inlays. You can also change the joint type, joint screws, weight, length, wrap, ferrule material, and tip.
AO Cue Features and Options
- Ivory Ferrules - $50
- Ivory Joint - $125+
- Ivory Butt Cap - $200+
- Extra Shafts: Standard $125.00, NT $150.00 and NT-Laminated $175.00
- Stainless Steel Joint - $50
- Leather wrap - $75
- Joint Pins 5/16-18 or 5/16-14 - $10
- Uni-loc - $100
The New AO Technology Shaft (AO NT Shafts)
AO Custom Cues announces the introduction of their new AO ProPlus shaft. The shaft uses the same taper technology as the AO-E shaft but incorporates a new layering technology for their shaft wood. The 'E' shaft used 35 flat laminated layers of hard maple while the new 'ProPlus' shaft uses 18 flat laminated layers with another 18 layers at right a angle to the first for the top half of the shaft and the mirror image of that for the bottom half of the shaft. Where each 18 layer segment joins the other there can be seen a distinct 'Plus', hence the name ProPlus Shaft.
Radial consistency of this shaft is equal to Natural Hard Maple or any of the pie laminated shafts presently on the market. The original E-Shaft had less than a two percent difference in deflection depending on how the shaft was oriented when striking the cue ball. The ProPlus reduces that deflection difference to practically nothing. The shaft has a specially designed modified pro taper, the second key to this radically new shaft's technology, provides additional consistency and reduced deflection. The end result: The most consistent, hi tech, greatest performing cue shaft in the world today, unequalled by all other products. These new shafts out perform all other competitor's shafts by a minimum of 50% less deflection, with increased power and control as a bonus. A new glue is being used for the lamination process that is water resistant. Using the new glue will reduce absorption of moisture by the shaft and substantially reduce the likelihood of warping. Nothing can compare with what the new consistent AO-ProPlus shaft will do for your game.

The grayed out area above shows actual test results performed with my shaft testing machine in my shop. Photos of my shaft testing machine are shown below.
What does the test show?
It compares the deflection in the Predator 314 shaft, The Annie O NT shaft, The Predaytor Z shaft and the AO-E 35 layer flat laminated shaft. The farther away the 'Dot' is from the Aiming Line, the more deflection the shaft has.

How was the test performed?
I built the shaft testing machine shown below, in which the cue is placed and then is propelled forward into the cue ball in exactly the same point, 3/16" right center English, at exactly the same speed every time. In this manner any cue shaft can be tested for its deflection. Because the entire process is mechanical it offers an opportunity to compare various shafts with each other because the cue ball hit point and speed are the same for every shaft tested. The test paper is attached to the end rail and is simply impressionable cash register tape.
The Annie O NT shaft is not a laminated shaft. It is a regular shaft made of Hard Maple and built with the AO special pro taper, a 1/2" ferrule and a Talisman Pro hard tip.
The AO-E shaft, which I started making in February, 2004, is a 35 layer flat laminated hard maple with the AO-NT technology added. The "E" Shaft, is a blend of the European and American Pro tapers. The E shaft outperforms every shaft tested againt it, even the new Predator "Z" shaft, on my own shaft testing robot (See pictures below).
The AO-ProPlus shaft, which I started making in June, 2006, is the latest in lamination technology combined with the AO-NT technology added. The ProPlus Shaft, hast the same proprietary taper and outperforms every shaft tested againt it. (Period!)
How is the laminated shaft made?
Eighteen Hard Maple laminations are layered on top of one another the length of the shaft. Three more sections of these 18 layer laminations are arranged with each section rotated 90 degrees from the one next to it which allow opposing stresses in the wood to help keep the shaft from warping and creates a substantially stronger shaft. The shaft wood is not purchased from Meucci, but we do purchase our shaft material from the same manufacturer.
What does this mean to you?
It means less deflection and as a result less squirt. It means you do not have to make big adjustments for squirt when shooting with English. In fact - for almost all your shots, you can shoot with your English and make absolutely no adjustments for squirt. Simply aim at the target point on the object ball as if you were using a center ball hit. It means -- reducing the number of factors which cause you to miss shots.
How much do they cost?
The AO-NT is $175.00 and the AO-E shaft is $200.00 and the new ProPlus is $250.00. If special ring work or Uni-Loc Joint is used, there are additional charges.

About Annie O

Anne Mayes began playing pool at the age of 17. She soon discovered that she had a passion for the sport. She played as much as possible and to her dismay she felt there wasn't enough time in the day to play as much as she wanted to.
In 1974 while practicing one day at a local pool room she was approached by a man who owned a billiard supply store in Houston. He asked if she had considered playing on the professional tour. At that time, she did not know there was a pro tour and told him so.
They talked a while and he left to make a phone call. When he returned he told her he had made arrangements for her to play in an upcoming event at Notre Dame University in South Bend, Indiana. He told her that the A. J. Ebonite Corporation would sponsor her for the event.
She played the tournament and lost with a very poor showing. However, upon returning home, she received a call from Ebonite asking her to play for them on the pro tour as their female advisor. She agreed and they became her sponsor. The next year, 1975, she won her first event, the Southeastern Open in Florida and was invited to play in the prestigious U.S. Open.
Anne continued to play on the pro tour whenever work permitted. From 1983-1986 she was always ranked in the top ten women on the pro tour. The business card shown here is circa 1985.
In 1986 she landed a wonderful job with Texaco - Engineering Division Houston and had to quit playing on the tour to devote all of her time to her new career. She was the Computer Aided Design & Drafting Supervisor and eventually wore the additional hat of Software and Systems Development Manager.
All good things must (sometimes) come to an end. She was laid off in January 1995 and decided to get back to her first love - professional pool. She entered a qualifying tournament for a WPBA professional event and won it She began playing the pro tour again in February 1995 and finished the year ranked 32nd in the world. She continued to play in 1996 and finished that year ranked 23rd in the world. Unfortunately the years of no practice had taken their toll and she never regained her professional status.
She had to retire from the tour in December, 1996, due to poor health. After a year and a half of trying to get a magazine, "Billiard & Dart "News", off the ground she decided she would be much happier creating and crafting custom cues. With the help of friends, she opened Annie O's Billiard Pro Shop in June, 1998. The shop has become a tremendous success and several of Houston's top players are now playing with and endorsing her cues.
During her 25+ years of playing on the pro tour, Anne has played with many brands of cues including; Adams, Black, Jenson, Joss, McDermott, Meucci and finally Predator. She has the experience to know what makes a truly fine playing cue. Anne understands the importance of having a cue that feels right, hits right and plays right. Quality is her primary goal in achieving those attributes in every cue she builds.
Annie O's Custom Cues Houston Business Information
Annie O's Custom Cues Houston Employees
Name | Role(s) | Phone | |
Anne Mayes (Annie Mayes) | Owner, Cuemaker |
Key Dates
- Annie O's Custom Cues Houston was founded on 1998-07-01
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Location Tags
- Neighbornood Short Name: Annie O's Custom Cues in Woodlake/ Briar Meadow
- Title: Annie O's Custom Cues Houston
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 9/18/2008 3:02:15 AM
- Last Updated: 1/8/2014 9:19:51 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
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