American Cowboy Billiards Exeter MO
American Cowboy Billiards Exeter MO
American Cowboy Billiards Address
- Barry County
- Timezone: CST
Alternate Names
- ACB Billiard Supplies Exeter, MO
- Sharpshooter Billiards
- Sharp Shooter Billiards
Contact American Cowboy Billiards
Reach American Cowboy Billiards using the contact info below:
American Cowboy Billiards Exeter Phone Number
- (417) 459-9911 (American Cowboy Billiards Phone Number)
- (417) 835-2812 (American Cowboy Billiards Phone Number)
American Cowboy Billiards Website
- (American Cowboy Billiards Contact Email)
American Cowboy Billiards Facebook
People and Employees from American Cowboy Billiards Exeter, MO
Pictures of the owners of American Cowboy Billiards Exeter, MO and/or American Cowboy Billiards Exeter, MO employees/staff.
Products Made by American Cowboy Billiards Exeter, MO
A sample of products manufactured by American Cowboy Billiards of Exeter, MO.

The accessories package and instruction manual for the cue lathe by American Cowboy Billiards in Exeter, MO.

The pool cue lathe from American Cowboy Billiards in Exeter, MO.

Pool cue shaft cleaner from American Cowboy Billiards in Exeter, MO.

A pool cue shaft from American Cowboy Billiards in Exeter, MO showing the ACB cue shaft logo.
Logos for American Cowboy Billiards Exeter, MO
American Cowboy Billiards Exeter, MO logos. These are past and/or current logos and trademarks used by American Cowboy Billiards Exeter, MO
American Cowboy Billiards Exeter - Store Info
American Cowboy Billiards has been selling on eBay as:
- sharpshooter.billiards (since Sep 16, 1999)
- sharpshooterbilliards-com has (since Jun 30, 2007)
American Cowboy Billiards Exeter - Manufacturer Info
American Cowboy Billiards is the manufacturer and retailer of Sharpshooter pool cue shafts.
American Cowboy Billiards is also known for their pool cue lathe, sold mostly through eBay.
There is lots of great feedback on the pool cue lathe from American Cowboy billiards, but also lots of negative feedback on sites like azbilliards, etc. They have improved the lathe since a lot of the negative feedback so it may all be moot now, but a word to the wise - do your homework before purchasing.
American Cowboy Billiards Exeter Business Information
American Cowboy Billiards Exeter Employees
Name | Role(s) | Phone | |
Robert Moss (Bob Moss) | Owner, Director of Sales and Marketing | | |
Linda Moss | Owner, Director of Sales and Marketing |
Other BusinessesView Other Billiard Businesses in The Area: |
American Cowboy Billiards Exeter is connected with these Billiards Forum users:
- SharpShooterbilliards (Owner)
- Title: American Cowboy Billiards Exeter
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 3/11/2017 10:04:51 AM
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