Billiard Tutorials and Learning
Billiard Tutorials and Learning
Listing of online publications that can assist one in learning and perfecting their billiards game.
Billiard Tutorials and Learning
Listing of online publications that can assist one in learning and perfecting their billiards game.
The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards
Online resources, book, instructional video DVD, interactive CD-ROM, instructional articles, and reference materials for learning and teaching how to play and excel at pool and billiards.
Added on 7/17/200621Ace - Pool Trick Shots
Everything about pool including trick shots, pool tables and pool accessories.
Added on 7/17/2006Billiards Stroketrainer
Billiards Stroketrainer is First Real Training Aid for Your Stroke
Added on 7/17/2006Billiard Basics
Billiard instruction and supplies in the Miami, Florida area. Certified instructor with 60+ years experience.
Added on 7/17/2006The Edge Billiard Instruction Kit
Patented Training Aid teaches aim, position and control
Added on 8/30/2006The Pool School
Pool lessons are taught by BCA MASTER INSTRUCTOR, Jerry Briesath, an internationally recognized authority on Pool Billiards who was named by the BCA as 'The Dean of Master Instructor's' and for more than three decades has been recognized as the nation's top instructor.
Added on 11/28/2006Be good at Billiards
Web site reference for all billiard and snooker players. Rules, basics and advances principles, cuts, effects, cross, behaviors, examples, instructions and more.
Added on 2/25/2007AngleBuddy
All-in-one billiards, pool and snooker super-training tool
Added on 11/5/2007Billiard-Resource
A place where you can find all sorts of billiard-related information such as billiard tips, instructions, news, equipment, games, forum, search engine, and many more.
Added on 1/26/2008300 Ways to Play Billiards: The Most Comprehensive Billiards Rule Book Ever Written
This is most comprehensive Billiards, Carom, Snooker, and Pool rule book ever written. Well over 300 games, variations and handicap systems. This is a one stop shop, whether you want to learn a new game to play with your friends or are looking for games that push your skills to the limit.
Added on 12/3/2011 9:09:16 AM
Billiard Tutorials and Learning
Billiard Tutorials and Learning
- Title: Billiard Tutorials and Learning
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 7/17/2006