Pool DrillBook iPhone and iPad Billiard App
4/20/2013 6:58:24 AM
Pool DrillBook iPhone and iPad Billiard App
The Only Way to Learn How to Drill to Play Like a Pro!
One can play billiards for years. But, how much time do you need to play a certain level? How many years should you train to become a master or to be able to compete the top players?
Usually it takes years.
However, due to training methods it is possible to achieve a certain result after several months, when the others need years.
The App "Pool DrillBook" - is one of the ways to a good result in rather short time. The App usage allows to systemize the training time. You wont lose time while rolling the balls now, as you
ve got the training set and the incentive of Victory. Now you are going to use your time in a fruitfull way!
Just look around! The life goes as learning by doing. And it doesn?t matter, if we use a spoon for the meal, drive a car, learn baseball play, lacing: After a thousand of drills the element becomes "native" and you can do it with "closed eyes".
How about billiards? For ages you roll the balls, free from understanding, knowledge and skills. How to change all this? You should fix a round of exercises and drill regularly.
The "Pool DrillBook" App gives a chance to form the personal round of different exercises and to start regular training. The statistics will show success anyway, already after several weeks, you certainly point out the exercises which require better control, others that could be paused, and those, which have to be drilled again.
The "Pool DrillBook" App regular usage allows not to lose time, but to lead your play to another level in the shortest time, to achieve good results, to widen the skills.
The "Pool DrillBook" assists you to grow technically, as well as to stabilize your psychological level. After a certain while you would feel psychologically strong while playing, would be able to concentrate on the shot, would be able to achieve high scores.
Only with "Pool DrillBook" you will manage to achieve good results in pool and become a champion within the shortest time!
drillbook.2billiard.com AppStore: itunes.apple.com/us/app/pool-drillbook/id625977680?ls=1&mt=8
Pool DrillBook iPhone and iPad Billiard App
Replies & Comments
allanpsand on 4/23/2013 2:24:50 PM
You can also get several pool books, including "Drills & Exercises for Pool & Pocket Billiards" for Kindle and Nook apps for smart phones and tablets.
2billiard on 4/26/2013 4:59:46 PM
The "Pool DrillBook Free" version is available now!
2billiard on 8/9/2013 9:17:54 AM
The Pool DrillBook has been updated. Now you can sync your billiard drill exercises via the website. You can also have your friends download your exercises and drill to win.
Update the app and share your exercises now!
Pool DrillBook iPhone and iPad Billiard App
- Title: Pool DrillBook iPhone and iPad Billiard App
- Author: 2billiard (Alexei Gubanov)
- Published: 4/20/2013 6:58:24 AM