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Mastering Pool with Mika Immonen - Instructional DVD Series

Mastering Pool with Mika Immonen - Instructional DVD Series

In case you haven't heard there is a brand new Instructional Pool DVD Series featuring Mika "Iceman" Immonen called Mastering Pool. It is a trilogy with volumes for beginners, intermediate and advanced players. The whole set is filled with rich 3D graphics never seen before in pool instruction videos.

The series is called Mastering Pool with Mika Immonen and there are several volumes.

This Mastering Pool DVD series is getting rave reviews from some of the top names in pool and it was just released less than a week ago.

2009 Player of the Year, Mika 'the Iceman' Immonen reveals all in this brand new trilogy of instructional DVDs. Each volume is packed with tips, techniques and systems, easily making MASTERING POOL one of the most comprehensive billiards guides on the market today.

Rich with intricate 3D animated diagrams, 42 unique lessons, and hours of special features, MASTERING POOL creates an enjoyable experience that will change your game forever.

'3D graphic animation, top flight camera work, excellent voice over, and a script that approaches perfection.'
- Pool And Billiard Magazine (April 2009 Issue)

This series was produced by a friend of mine who literally put 1000's of hours into it over a 4 year span since the first idea.

Mastering Pool with Mika Immonen - Instructional DVD Series

Replies & Comments

  1. guestjana on 12/5/2008 12:29:47 PM

    Here are the links to the Mastering Pool Series DVDs featuring Mika Immonen where you can buy them from Billiards Forum via amazon.com.

    Mastering Pool: Volume 1, with Mika Immonen

    Mastering Pool: Volume 2, with Mika Immonen

    Mastering Pool: Volume 3, with Mika Immonen

    P.S. Thanks for logging on anonymously as "guest" as posting a free advertisement for "your friend" in our forum. We've replaced those links with links to our billiard store. Tell "your friend" that if he was serious about his/her venture into the instructional billiard training DVD business, that they should get out of the amateur kiddie pool, and start to PAY for advertising.

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Mastering Pool with Mika Immonen - Instructional DVD Series

  • Title: Mastering Pool with Mika Immonen - Instructional DVD Series
  • Author:
  • Published: 12/5/2008 12:01:19 PM