"The Perfect Stroke" Billiard Training and Practice Aid
10/16/2009 8:32:44 AM
"The Perfect Stroke" Billiard Training and Practice Aid
I am working on a new billiard practice aid called the Perfect Stroke.
I was wanting feedback and suggestions for where to get the best bang for the advertising buck for the new training aid.
It is made by a company called Perfect Pool Practice.
Some information and a demo:
The PERFECT STROKE is a pool training device that will help improve your stroke, thus improving your game. With this device having a rear guide for the cue stick you actually get feedback if you wobble during your stroke. It doesn't matter if you play 8-ball, 9-ball, snooker, or even bumper pool. If you improve your stick control, your game will improve.. Like Dr Cue says, "Practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect."
"The Perfect Stroke" Billiard Training and Practice Aid
Replies & Comments
Fenwick on 10/16/2009 10:59:17 AM
I think it tells you right at the top of the page. $65 per month, 12 month term! Doing the math I guess you now owe $780.
quickshot on 10/16/2009 1:08:34 PM
If you bought a traing aid it should be self explanatory and you should not need any suuggestions from any one or any source. I'm not being flippant here. Most of the stuff is pure hype. The very best aid you can get is to take some lessons from an experienced pro, and if that is not available seek out a very experienced player who will work with you
Gimmicks will not get the job done.
Fenwick on 10/16/2009 1:55:18 PM
He's not asking for help in my opinion. He is asking for feedback under the guise of marketing more Perfect Stroke training aids.
MS poolshooter on 10/16/2009 2:15:05 PM
I was wanting feedback on the concept of the Aid, whether you guys, as fellow pool players, think it would be a good aid, where would be good places to advertise, aimed at beginners, aimed at intermediate players, etc. I'm doing this with a LESS than shoestring budget (in other words I don't have $10 to BLOW on bad ads), Would it be better to set up a booth at trade shows for pool, at competitions, etc. We have talked to "Dr Cue" Rossman, and he thought it was a great idea for helping people build muscle memory.
Personally I had found fellow pool players to be friendly, this attack makes me wonder...
quickshot on 10/16/2009 2:15:13 PM
You may be right now that I reread the post without my eyes at half mast. Either way I do not believe in gimmicks and training aids.
No attack was intended, believe me. But, I do not believe in billiard training aids.
There are thousands in the golf field that are a total waste of money and many in the cue sports environment that I know about that are a waste also.
I'm a cynic I guess when it comes to stuff.
Actually, I would like to see one that really works.
Good luck in the venture.
Fenwick on 10/16/2009 2:52:32 PM
Personally I had found fellow pool players to be friendly, this attack makes me wonder...
Let the administrator decide if this is a attack by me. I'll take the heat if I was out of line and even add a I'm sorry. You have little history here and advertising right off the bat is taking the wrong approach IMHO. Had you not added the link I would have taken a different tone.
You could have asked:
I was wanting feedback on the concept of the Aid, whether you guys, as fellow pool players, think it would be a good aid, where would be good places to advertise, aimed at beginners, aimed at intermediate players, etc. I'm doing this with a LESS than shoestring budget (in other words I don't have $10 to BLOW on bad ads), Would it be better to set up a booth at trade shows for pool, at competitions, etc. We have talked to "Dr Cue" Rossman, and he thought it was a great idea for helping people build muscle memory First.
My interests lie with the best interests of this site. For what it's worth, I give away free lessons to tips to lesser players whenever asked.
billiardsforum on 10/16/2009 3:10:17 PM
Trade shows are for those looking to sell bulk to billiard retailers. Advertise/set up there if you want to target that market.
Advertise here, or on other billiard-related sites if you want to get your product in front of players, ect. I saw that you already send the request for info through our contact form. I'll respond via email shortly.
Fenwick on 10/17/2009 11:08:58 PM
I would use it if the price was right. I have a flaw in my stroke and it just might help. It's better then shooting into the hole in a bottle drill. I wish you well on your venture. How's that for positive feed back?
I do have a question. Is it made so you can use it for shooting different angles or just straight shots. I'd to use it practicing mother drills. It would be nice if it would pivot instead of moving the whole device and lining up for every shot. Just a thought.
Perhaps a bit more tweaking?
Fenwick on 11/6/2009 4:04:49 PM
Not just to put this thread back to the top but I mentioned I have a flaw in my stroke. Well it turned out to be my stance. I needed to widen my stance to finish on soft tissue. S.P.F. Freeze. One of the few things I discovered on my own. Unless your aid includes some hands on instruction it alone would not; I'm choosing my words carefully here, help as much as it's designed to IMHO.
I'm not saying it's of no use just that a good instructor along with it would help more. What are your thoughts?
MS poolshooter on 11/6/2009 4:44:04 PM
I agree, you would still want an instructor. What we are using this to work toward is once you have the position correct, by having the back guide, it takes away a lot of the side to side motion of your stroke. I have watched people, who I don't see how they hit the ball at all where they want to. the butt of the stick ends up in front of their gut on every shot, they are twisting their back arm, in front of themselves, that much..
On Monday, we are shipping 6 of them to the ACS instructors, for evaluation, and HOPEFULLY get their "Seal of Approval"
Fenwick on 11/6/2009 4:59:12 PM
...twisting their back arm, in front of themselves, that much.
That sounds like too tight of a grip issue?
6 of them to the ACS instructors
I've never heard of ACS? Care to drop any names?
MS poolshooter on 11/6/2009 5:29:52 PM
American Cue Sports has the site with that name .org. I don't have the names I'm sending them to in front of me. But they are all over one to WI, CA, I think one was NY, VA. Going to their testing board and everyone on it is current instructors.
user1546638024 on 1/4/2019 1:40:25 PM
How do I purchase a Perfect Stroke practice aid?
billiardsforum on 1/5/2019 7:34:44 AM
I don't believe that the Perfect Stroke billiard training aid is commercially available anymore, so your only option is to watch for folks selling their used ones.
"The Perfect Stroke" Billiard Training and Practice Aid
- Title: "The Perfect Stroke" Billiard Training and Practice Aid
- Author: MS poolshooter (Brian Heath)
- Published: 10/16/2009 8:32:44 AM