Billiard Supplies in West Babylon, NY
Billiard Supplies in West Babylon, NY
- Title: Billiard Supplies in West Babylon, NY
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 1/1/2018 7:20:53 AM
Billiard Supplies in West Babylon, NY Comments
rockypoint99 from Babylon, NY on 4/28/2009 2:07:10 PM
I live in New York (Babylon, NY) and I want to know where I can buy a billiard table to play straight-rail billiards.
Where can I find a straight rail billiard table in New York?
Mark Altherr from New York, NY on 5/1/2009 9:01:35 AM
Try Blatt's here in NYC. They can have a billiards table made by Vitali, a good manufacturer, for the same price, more or less, of a regular pool table.
The heated billiards table is a specialty item generally made in Belgium. You really don't need this option.
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