UK Bar Billiard Table Plans
View and download plans to build an English bar billiards table.
UK Bar Billiard Table Plans
If you don't live in the UK, then finding a bar billiards table and having a ship it to your region can be very costly.
One of our readers from Greece, where they have no bar billiards tables commercially available for purchase, inquired about plans to build one. I told him that there were no UK bar billiard table plans available. Well, long story short, Dave came back to us and said "hey, I found some UK bar billiard table plans" and here they are.
So as you can see in the PDF document below, it is a one-page plan with measurements for all the pins and holes. Click on the PDF link below to view and download The UK bar billiard table plans.
- Download the UK Bar Billiard Table Plans
These plans where created by Denzil from Australia (Billiards Forum member mrmunchy) and he has left some more detail in the replies below.
We're really not sure how much of a demand there will be for these pool table plans, but we thought we would post them anyway. If any of you actually decide to build this table, we would love to have pictures. We encourage you to contact us when your project is complete.
UK Bar Billiard Table Plans
- Title: UK Bar Billiard Table Plans
- Author: BigDave Knight (Dave Knight)
- Published: 4/24/2008 10:42:00 PM
- Last Updated: 5/24/2018 8:08:43 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
UK Bar Billiard Table Plans
The UK Bar Billiard Table Plans article belongs to the Home Billiard Room Tables category. Articles on pool, snooker, and billiard tables as related to home billiard rooms.
UK Bar Billiard Table Plans Comments
mrmunchy from New South Wales, Australia on 7/7/2008 7:13:00 PM
I am the originator of the drawing of these UK bar billiard table plans.
These were scaled up from one my dad made whilst we lived in the UK. We used 1" balls on that one. We brought it to Australia in 1969 and I have recently restored it. It does not have the timing mechanism or the coin slot.
I am corresponding with another guy here in Australia who is renovating a full size one, and from his photos, the rear row of holes have a slight curve to them. I am hoping that he will give me the dimensions to modify my drawing.
bjet from Victoria, BC on 2/3/2009 3:45:15 PM
I live on the west coast of Canada and Bar Billiards is not a game that is played here. I used to play in England, many years ago, and have always wanted to build my own bar billiards table.
I have spent hours searching for plans. I was starting to give up hope of finding any, but then I came across your website with the PDF link to the UK bar billiards table plans, which I have downloaded. Thank you for those.
While searching online I have looked at a lot of bar billiards tables and on most of them, including the bar billiards tables I played on in England, the 2 - 50 point holes, halfway up the table, are directly in line with the 2 outside top holes. However, your plans show these to be offset. In regards to that, I was wondering:
- Why there are different configurations?
- Which configuration is used in tournament play?
- Are these official measurements?
- If I moved the 50 point holes out, to line up with the top outside holes (using all the other measurements on the plan), would I have a correct bar billiards table?
And a few other general questions:
- Where is there a good supplier of bar billiard table supplies (that will ship to Canada) for obtaining parts e.g. cushions, hole rings, numbers etc.?
- Is there an alternative to slate that will provide a true playing surface?
Gene from Germany on 6/17/2009 7:53:16 AM
I recently visited London and stayed in a flat which was across the street from a pub called the King Charles I Pub, and we were introduced to the game of bar billiards from the owner and local residents.
The game is very fun and my wife and I would like to either buy a used English bar billiards table or she would like for me to build one for her (or at least try).
I am an American Soldier stationed in Germany and I travel to many countries and although it was quite expensive we enjoyed ourselves immensely.
I am assuming the English bar billiards table plans on this page are in millimeters. Is this correct?
mrmunchy from New South Wales, Australia on 6/18/2009 9:56:30 PM
@Jeff - From what I can determine, you are correct. The inner holes do appear to be in line with the outer ones. Dad may have done this for simplicity or for a challenge. I don't know. I would assume that distances would stay the same but alignment would change.
@Gene - Yes. The dimensions in the bar billiard table plans are in millimeters. If you want inches, just let me know and I can change things for you and generate another version. It is good to hear that people are finding the plans useful. You can email direct to if you want. This way I would probably answer your queries quicker.
Colin Hutt from Ferndown, Dorset on 2/14/2010 4:05:39 PM
I'm Colin from Bouremouth, Dorset, England. I would love to purchase plans for a bar billiard table.
I have tried to download these plans and my computer wont let me. Can anyone help please?
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