Stools for Home Billiard Rooms
Stools for Home Billiard Rooms
If you have sprung for a home billiard table and dedicated an entire room in your home for it, you will probably want to furnish it with some billiard stools. After all, you don't want tacky, low, old kitchen chairs do you? No, I didn't think so. Some billiard stools will be high enough to allow spectators to look down at the table during play. This way, all spectators and players in your home billiard room will have a clear perspective. When shopping for the billiard stools, there are a few things that you'll want to check for including sturdyness, height, style and price.
To test for the sturdyness of billiard stools, you'll need to really get out there and look around. Sit on the stools, rock around a little bit, and put your feet on the rungs. Are the billiard stools free from creeks, squeaks, and wobbles, and are the billiard stool legs made from solid wood? Also, if your billiard room is small, you may want to opt for stools without arms. Although small, they can make the stools look much larger, and can become an obstacle to contend with.
When looking at billiard stools, you will notice that they come in three general and commong heights. Most common are the "bar height" billiard stools at 30 inches tall, and the "counter height" billiard stools at anywhere from 22 inches tall to 25 inches tall. The third billiard stool height is the "spectator stool" which run at around 35 inches tall. When compared with the height of a regular wooden kitchen chair, wich are approximately 18 inches, billiard stools are simply better for watching the game.
Style is another aspect that deservs attention when purchasing billiard stools. Billiard stools are generally produced in the same type of production environment as regular furniture and thus, are subject to "go out of style" and be discontuned. Considering this, if you find billiard stools you like, buy enough, with the expectation that you won't likely be able to get more of the same billiard stools a year or two down the road.
Stools for Home Billiard Rooms
- Title: Stools for Home Billiard Rooms
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 12/29/2008 12:58:00 AM
Stools for Home Billiard Rooms
The Stools for Home Billiard Rooms article belongs to the Home Billiard Room Furniture category. Articles about home billiard room furniture.
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