Pool Table Accessories
Pool Table Accessories
There are a good deal of pool table accessories available on the market today, many of which can improve your enjoyment of the game of billiards in your home.
Pool Table Accessories
Phenolic resin balls are a high quality billiard ball and should be absolutely round and have a shiny finish with vivid colors. High quality house cues are made of maple and have ferrules made of fiber and leather tips. The chalk should be smooth, and purchased in a color to match your table cloth. Don't buy blue chalk if you have a red cloth. Triangles can be plastic or wood but be sure they match the size of your balls. If you and your friends and family are intermediate or beginner players, it is likely that you can enjoy home billiards with very basic equipment. Keep in mind that professional grade accessories are recommended as your skill level improves.
Pool Table Accessories
- Title: Pool Table Accessories
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 9/24/2006 1:04:06 AM
- Source: Internet
Pool Table Accessories
The Pool Table Accessories article belongs to the Home Billiard Room Tables category. Articles on pool, snooker, and billiard tables as related to home billiard rooms.
Pool Table Accessories Comments
kavinkelin from Xiamen, Fujian on 5/30/2008 11:09:32 PM
Hello Andrey, How about buying a cue from China? We are a professional pool cue manufacturer in the billiards industry. Please check our website. If you are interested in any of our products, please contact me.
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