Pool Room Decor
Pool Room Decor
A home pool room can be a nice refuge from the hustle and bustle of the world. It can also be a great alternative to all of the dingy pool halls that litter most cities.
Pool Room Decor - Introduction
Home pool rooms are often the room of choice for entertaining guests, and with the proper decor, one can ensure that everyone including the non-billiard playing guests will enjoy themselves. One of the most important parts of home pool room decor is that it should provide an atmosphere of relaxation and fun. Home pool room decor elements include furnishing, lighting, layout, color schemes, and decoration. Determining the type of home pool room decor that will bring the most enjoyment is up to the individual home owners, but a few recommendations can be given to get one started.
The "must haves" for any home pool room decor are the pool table and the cue rack. There are many pool table designs to suit everyone's taste. Pool tables can be made out of high end wood that is stained and custom detailed. There are also multiple use pool tables that can be converted into ping-pong tables. Cue stick racks are available as wall mount units, or as buckets. Generally, buckets tend to damage cues, and are not used nearly as much as traditional wall mount cue racks. Lighting is an extremely important factor in creating a home pool room decor, because if you can't see well you won't be able to play well. Lamps can be purchased that are similar to those seen in many commercial locations with pool tables. The lamp is placed directly above the table and is big enough to provide light to every inch of the pool table. Lighting for home pool room decor shouldn't be difficult to find, just keep in mind that you want to see what ball you are trying to hit and you want a soothing atmosphere. Being able to have separate overhead lights and pool table lights will allow you to adjust to the preferred lighting.
Many individuals enjoy having a theme to their home pool room decor. Some common themes are billiard balls, beer decor, and poker decor. However, there is no reason the theme could not be anything you wanted it to be. Many novelty manufacturers produce home pool room decor using many themes and most thematic items can be modified to fit well into a pool room. Thematic home pool room decor can consist of anything including wall hangings, coasters, stools or even the felt on the pool table.
A bar with stools is a common furnishing for home pool room decor. The bar can be stocked with alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages and can be an inviting place for your friends to come and hang out. Another option for the home pool room decor is an entertainment center with oversize couches and chairs. Some individuals have gone as far as installing a mini-theater in their home pool room.
Whether you decide to purchase a custom designed pool table and install a plush theater system or you purchase the inexpensive multi-use pool table and have a few stools, the main point of a pool room is to have a place to enjoy, escape to, and relax in.
Pool Room Decor
- Title: Pool Room Decor
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 6/26/2006 2:54:00 PM
- Source: Internet
Pool Room Decor
The Pool Room Decor article belongs to the Home Billiard Room Furniture category. Articles about home billiard room furniture.
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