Wingmen Motorcycle Club Billiard Room Advertisement
A description of the Wingmen Motorcycle Club Billiard Room Advertisement photo is found below the image.

Wingmen Motorcycle Club Billiard Room Advertisement
Savannah chapter of the wingmen motorcycle club. Image was shot for the south magazine, June 2008.
NOTE: The owner of the photo demanded that we remove it. If you do a google search, you can find the original on flickr.
This is the billiard room in the Savannah chapter of the Wingmen Motorcycle Club.
They have a nice exposed brick wall with just the right amount of billiard paraphernalia hanging on it. They even have a custom made billiard table lamp with their club's symbol on it. The billiard table itself appears to be made from aluminum or stainless steel. It's really nice actually, but I'd have probably went with a different color billiard cloth.
Wingmen Motorcycle Club Billiard Room Advertisement
The billiard room photo titled "Wingmen Motorcycle Club Billiard Room Advertisement" was taken by bradbane on 2008-08-07 14:49:24.000 and uploaded to flickr on 2008-08-07 14:49:24.000. It was retrieved from a public flickr feed on 2008-08-08 07:00:33.000. The accompanying article was written and published by the Billiards Forum. The publish date of the text content is found below.
This page belongs to the Home Billiard Room Pictures category. Pictures from users and from around the internet showcasing different home billiard rooms.
- Title: Wingmen Motorcycle Club Billiard Room Advertisement
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 9/30/2008 7:31:09 AM
- Last Updated: 11/17/2016 7:15:02 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
- Source: Flickr user contribution
Wingmen Motorcycle Club Billiard Room Advertisement Comments
Tim Moss from Fayetteville, NC on 6/15/2009 6:10:09 PM
In my opinion, the Wingmen Motorcycle Club is a street gang consisting of [alleged] common criminals. Most of their leadership has been kicked out of military service for [allegedly] using or selling illegal drugs. Advertisements for them are improper, much the same as advertisements for groups like the Bloods and Crips would be inappropriate.
billiardsforum from Halifax, NS on 6/18/2009 2:48:36 AM
@Tim Moss - I had to edit your comment (with additions of some [editorial notes]) so that it did not directly accuse anyone. If you have verifiable proof of the claims you made, we'll gladly post those. Thanks for commenting and welcome to the Billiards Forum.
Also of note, we received a letter from the photographer that took this photo. He said that he does not give us permission to post the picture here anymore (hence, the "image not found" placeholder).
davardcobra from Tampa, FL on 11/28/2009 10:11:56 PM
I know Murf from the Wingmen Motorcycle Club. He is one outstanding BIKER and my best friend. Like Trey told me, they threw the mold away when the made him .
Hey Murf, Goldie is doing great! You wouldn't even recognize her.
Love you bro,
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