Loose Pool Table Cloth on Cushions
A description of the Loose Pool Table Cloth on Cushions photo is found below the image.

Loose Pool Table Cloth on Cushions
The reason I'm posting this image is to show everyone this horrible pool table recovering job. Check out the pocket closest to the shooter. Then look at the cloth on the wall of the rail. It is clearly loose since it doesn't pull tight on the cushion. It is all bunched up in that area, as well as by the opposite pocket. This affects how the balls rebound off the cushions, and should be repaired.
Loose Pool Table Cloth on Cushions
The billiard room photo titled "Loose Pool Table Cloth on Cushions" was taken by ex.libris on 2008-06-23 12:24:28.000 and uploaded to flickr on 2008-06-25 12:24:28.000. It was retrieved from a public flickr feed on 2008-06-26 10:20:26.000. The accompanying article was written and published by the Billiards Forum. The publish date of the text content is found below.
This page belongs to the Home Billiard Room Pictures category. Pictures from users and from around the internet showcasing different home billiard rooms.
- Title: Loose Pool Table Cloth on Cushions
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 9/24/2008 3:30:39 AM
- Last Updated: 9/24/2008 3:15:58 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
- Source: Flickr user contribution
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