Efren Reyes Nicknames
Efren Reyes Nicknames
Efren Reyes Nicknames
Efren Reyes is one of the most skilled and successful professional billiard players of the decade and has earned several fitting nicknames. The most common of those are listed below:
Most of Efren Reyes nicknames were found around the net. Here they are.
Efren Reyes' Nicknames
- The "Magician"
- "Bata" as in "Efren 'Bata' Reyes"
- [part of] The Filipino Invasion
- Cesar Morales (Moniker Efren first used when he came to the USA).
- CHAMP - According to Billiards Forum member "urat" from the Philippines, Efren was often called CHAMP. He said:
"most pool hustlers in the Philippines called him "champ " rather than "bata". You can even ask Alex Pagulayan or other big names in pool in the Philippines about this."
If there are more nicknames out there, contact us below and include your source. If they are legitimate, we'll add them to the list of Efren Reyes' Nicknames.
Players mentioned in this news article include:
- Title: Efren Reyes Nicknames
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 10/4/2006 1:12:22 PM
- Last Updated: 9/16/2016 8:38:21 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
Efren Reyes Nicknames Comments
urat from Philippines on 7/17/2007 11:35:06 PM
"CHAMP" - Most pool hustlers in the Philippines call Efren Reyes "champ" rather than "bata". You can even ask Alex Pagulayan or other big names in pool in the Philippines about this.
Rediyansyah from Jakarta, Jakarta on 9/20/2011 9:36:56 AM
I love playing billiards and I am a big fan of Efren Reyes.
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