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Need Sales Representative in MN for the Grid Rack

Need Sales Representative in MN for the Grid Rack

I'm searching for a sales rep or marketing rep to help launch my new billiard training aid and billiard game.

The product is the "GRid RAck" for billiards, and the accompanying game is the "nine inning grid game".

The "GRid RAck".. is a quick and easy rack for lining billiard balls up to create a grid on the pool table...the grid is a good practice excercise for pool... and this rack is also use to play the "Nine Inning Grid Game"... which is fun... and will sharpen your pool skills

Contact me if interested.

Need Sales Representative in MN for the Grid Rack

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Need Sales Representative in MN for the Grid Rack

  • Title: Need Sales Representative in MN for the Grid Rack
  • Author: (Jim Wright)
  • Published: 1/22/2012 10:16:24 AM