How Many Homes Have a Pool Table in the USA?
12/16/2013 3:31:28 PM
How Many Homes Have a Pool Table in the USA?
I'm working on a new billiard game which one would install on a billiard table of any size from 7' to 10'.
Does anyone know approximately how many homes in the USA have a pool table?
How Many Homes Have a Pool Table in the USA?
Replies & Comments
Zeke on 12/17/2013 8:32:02 AM
Based purely on a SWAG, the number tables in USA homes might amount to 1:10,000
I would put the odds of any accurate data being available at 1:1,000,000
Jack999 on 12/17/2013 9:39:34 AM
Thank you Zeke to take the time to answer me. I assume SWAG means "Scientific Wild Assed Guess".
Do you mean, there should be one home billiard table per 10,000 people?
Zeke on 12/17/2013 10:24:23 AM
Yes on both counts. Think of New York City. 10-million people and who has room for a 7'+ pool table? Bars, social clubs and actual billiard parlors abound.
In rural America, where I now live, I know ~100 people. I'm the only one with a table. Of the 100, three play on my table. Two of the five local pubs have tables in varying degrees of disrepair. But in homes? Nobody has one I'm aware of other than me. I heard a guy about 10 miles away has one, but his wife uses it for folding wash on...
I would imagine, of all the "real" pool tables sold in the US, < 5% go to homes. Most go to bars, pool halls and social clubs (Elks, a firehouse, men's clubs, etc.)
Hope that helps.
Jack999 on 12/17/2013 2:12:17 PM
Thank you for your help it's appreciated.
How Many Homes Have a Pool Table in the USA?
- Title: How Many Homes Have a Pool Table in the USA?
- Author: Jack999 (Jacques Fortin)
- Published: 12/16/2013 3:31:28 PM