Tan and Camel Pool Table Cloth
Tan and Camel Pool Table Cloth
Tan and camel pool table cloth is becoming a popular choice for pool table cloth color, since it is easy on the eyes, provides a good contrast to the balls, and is a good aesthetic match to most pool table finishes and home pool room decor.
Tan and Camel Pool Table Cloth
Although in polls, tan pool table cloth is less preferred than both blue and green, many advocate that it is the best choice in regards to eye strain reduction. "I like tan because it's the easiest on my eyes" says one player.
Tan and camel pool table cloth is completely neutral in color, and tan chalk will not show up on tan cloth. One player indicates a preference for tan and camel pool table cloth over blue; "That blue and especially tan is real nice to play on though."
Another player exclaims their love for the tan and camel pool table cloth color. "I love the camel color on any table" says the pool player. "It is without a doubt my favorite. The best combo is a Diamond table with camel on it. The contrast between the rail color and the felt color is awesome.
One of the advantages to using tan and camel pool table cloth is that you can use tan chalk. It won't stain your pool cue like blue or other colors will. This, coupled with the good reviews and the fact that tan and camel pool table cloth makes the balls easy to see, is a striking reason to choose it for your home billiard room.
Tan and Camel Pool Table Cloth
- Title: Tan and Camel Pool Table Cloth
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 5/7/2008 10:16:00 PM
Tan and Camel Pool Table Cloth Comments
biginc from The Lounge on 5/3/2011 12:16:18 AM
I've been using a tan or camel colored Simonis cloth on my 3 pool tables for almost 4 years now. Its the best color I've used, and best of all is that the tan chalk does not stain your pool cue shaft and it does not make a mess on your hands and clothes!
At first, the old timers and traditional players grumbled a bit about it, but they all have grown to love it and they especially love how easy it is on their eyes. I recommend tan pool table cloth to anyone.
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