Value of a Brunswick Compo-Ivory Billiard Ball Set from 1914
4/6/2022 10:25:50 AM
Value of a Brunswick Compo-Ivory Billiard Ball Set from 1914
Can you tell me the value of a Brunswick-Balke-Collender "compo-ivory" pocket balls set?
The set comes with 15 red balls and one white ball.
The box is wooden, and on the front it reads, in part;
The Brunswick Balke-Collender Co.
Largest Makers in the World
- of -
Billiard and Pocket BallsCompo-Ivory Composition Pocket Balls
On the inside cover of the wooden box are a few date stamps. They read as follows:
JULY 1st 1905
These Balls are Not Guaranteed,
The Brunswick Balke Collender Co.
Then, just below it, a separate date stamp:
JUN 5, 1914
Value of a Brunswick Compo-Ivory Billiard Ball Set from 1914
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 4/8/2022 3:30:57 AM
I can't help you on the value, as I don't have any historical sales data on record for this particular compo-ivory ball set with 15 red balls and one white ball.
Your best bet is to set up an alert on eBay for this item, and make a note of various winning bid amounts and buy-it-now prices (for listings which actually sell).
Here's a 1904 ad for Brunswick Compo-Ivory billiard balls:
Value of a Brunswick Compo-Ivory Billiard Ball Set from 1914
- Title: Value of a Brunswick Compo-Ivory Billiard Ball Set from 1914
- Author: Carol Olson
- Published: 4/6/2022 10:25:50 AM
- Last Updated: 4/8/2022 3:05:01 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)