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Identify Set of Billiard Balls from an Old Barn

Identify Set of Billiard Balls from an Old Barn

I just bought a house with an old barn, and I found this set of billiard balls and some pool cue sticks.

Would you please tell me what kind of pool balls these are? I'm looking for something like a brand name, what material they're made from, and whether or not they are valuable.

Sorry, I don’t know anything about billiards, I just wanted to know some kind of history behind the items I found.

Thanks in advance.


Identify Set of Billiard Balls from an Old Barn

Replies & Comments

  1. D Moranebilliardsforum on 4/13/2022 2:24:43 AM

    Unfortunately, there is nothing unique about this particular billiard ball set in the photo that would help identify it's brand or material. It might help if you found a box or package.

    P.S. You should start another question with a photo of the pool cues you found. There's a better chance of identification with those.

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Identify Set of Billiard Balls from an Old Barn

  • Title: Identify Set of Billiard Balls from an Old Barn
  • Author: (D. Morane)
  • Published: 4/11/2022 9:20:12 AM
  • Last Updated: 4/13/2022 2:09:48 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)