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How to Sell 19th Century Pure Ivory Snooker and Billiard Balls

How to Sell 19th Century Pure Ivory Snooker and Billiard Balls

I have inherited a bunch of antique ivory pool balls.

I don't know anything about their history, but I believe they are ivory. I would like to sell them, but don't have any idea how to go about doing so. I am looking for any assistance to find a more appropriate new owner.

  • There is one set that has scrimshaw numbers 1-15 on them.
  • There are 9 cue balls.
  • There are a 11 red and white balls and 1 other striped ball.

I suspect one of the red and white balls is actually clay.







How to Sell 19th Century Pure Ivory Snooker and Billiard Balls

Replies & Comments

  1. Lecraduser1630865619 on 9/5/2021 11:13:40 AM

    I buy antique billiard balls.

    Please contact me if you want to sell any pre-WWII billiard balls.

  2. Lecraduser1638722956 on 9/17/2024 10:07:00 PM

    Are you going to reply?

    I'm interested in buying these from you.

  3. LecradLecrad on 3/21/2025 8:06:54 AM

    Thanks for your interest. I no longer have these.

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How to Sell 19th Century Pure Ivory Snooker and Billiard Balls

  • Title: How to Sell 19th Century Pure Ivory Snooker and Billiard Balls
  • Author: (Darcel Peterson)
  • Published: 7/22/2019 3:27:55 PM
  • Last Updated: 7/22/2019 5:25:01 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)