Cleaning Yellowed Centennial Balls
4/25/2019 12:32:31 AM
Cleaning Yellowed Centennial Balls
I just bought a heavily discounted set of Brunswick Centennial balls because they had yellowed a great deal.
Any advice on what to use to restore the yellow billiard balls back to white?
The store owner said they tried the Aramith ball cleaner to no avail.
I messed around with the cue ball yesterday trying Lysol wipes, bleach, CLR, and a magic eraser. Lysol wipes worked best and maybe made it 20% whiter.
What would you recommend? Or what should I not use? Do certain chemicals damage the integrity of the balls?
Cleaning Yellowed Centennial Balls
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 4/25/2019 4:26:15 AM
You should use the Aramith product mentioned in the answer to this question:
It's not the Aramith cleaner, it's different.
It's the "Aramith Billiard Ball Restorer" (you can get it on
It's a "restorer" specifically formulated for phenolic resin, which is the exact material from which those Brunswick Centennial pool balls are made.
It's what I would try if I was trying to whiten a yellowed set of Brunswick Centennial billiard balls. Since you've already tried the usual DIY products, this product is your logical next step and is well worth a try I would say.
TovinoThomas on 4/25/2019 11:43:10 AM
My issue has been solved!
Cleaning Yellowed Centennial Balls
- Title: Cleaning Yellowed Centennial Balls
- Author: TovinoThomas
- Published: 4/25/2019 12:32:31 AM
- Last Updated: 4/25/2019 2:14:08 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)