Ball size and rail (cushion) height
10/11/2009 8:19:42 AM
Ball size and rail (cushion) height
At home I have a small table, the rail (cushion) height is 35 mm. I recently bought a new set of three carom balls of 61.5 mm, but now I found out that the formula for rail height is 0.635 times ball diameter. Like that, formally, the required rail height is about 39 mm. In other words, the balls might be too large for the table due to rail height.
Will this discrepancy have any noticable effect when playing carom billiards?
Ball size and rail (cushion) height
Replies & Comments
billiardsguy on 10/13/2009 2:07:43 PM
I received the balls, no problem at all with the rail height.
Ball size and rail (cushion) height
- Title: Ball size and rail (cushion) height
- Author: billiardsguy
- Published: 10/11/2009 8:19:42 AM