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Your Game Room Needs a Skittle Pool Set by Aurora (for Free)

Your Game Room Needs a Skittle Pool Set by Aurora (for Free)

This Aurora Skittle Pool set is available for free and was posted about 2 hours ago on the Kirkland, WA Craigslist.

The box looks terrible but still shows an image of the Get Smart actor as the player.


Ebay prices range from $12 to $150 for this Don Adams version.

Your Game Room Needs a Skittle Pool Set by Aurora (for Free)

Replies & Comments

  1. RayMillsbilliardsforum on 1/13/2022 10:20:44 AM

    Cool find!

    For anyone who isn't familliar, here's the original, full-length Aurora Skittle Pool commercial from 1973.

    It features:

    • Robert Middleton as "Wisconsin Skinny" (I guess it was meant to be similarly opposite to "Minnesota Fats")
    • Len Lesser as "Wisconsin Skinny's" "Associate" (henchmen) - This is the same actor who played "Uncle Leo" in the TV Show "Seinfeld"
    • Don Adams as the "Skittle Pool Salesman"

    Here's what the game and box looked like:


  2. RayMillsRayMills on 1/13/2022 11:42:54 AM

    The Craigslist ad is gone now, but I'll say I received more enjoyment from that commercial than I would have from the game itself! (Who wants to bother with unwieldy cues?)

    Other ads have appeared for $25 a set.

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Your Game Room Needs a Skittle Pool Set by Aurora (for Free)

  • Title: Your Game Room Needs a Skittle Pool Set by Aurora (for Free)
  • Author: (Ray Mills)
  • Published: 1/4/2022 1:39:31 AM
  • Last Updated: 1/13/2022 10:10:52 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)