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Looking for a Source for Rubber Compressible 8 Ball and 9 Ball Keychains

Looking for a Source for Rubber Compressible 8 Ball and 9 Ball Keychains

I am looking for something I've seen in the past—8 ball and/or 9 ball "soft" keychains.

Not the traditional resin ones. I am looking for the softer ones. They may be made from rubber or other compressible material, and are of a high quality.

Any insight and/or links or whatever else you can provide would be appreciated.

Looking for a Source for Rubber Compressible 8 Ball and 9 Ball Keychains

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Looking for a Source for Rubber Compressible 8 Ball and 9 Ball Keychains

  • Title: Looking for a Source for Rubber Compressible 8 Ball and 9 Ball Keychains
  • Author: (Neil Martin)
  • Published: 5/30/2024 12:28:20 PM
  • Last Updated: 6/24/2024 4:22:14 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)