Looking for a Product to Shoot Pool After a Stroke Crippled My Left Hand
8/19/2024 2:46:22 PM
Looking for a Product to Shoot Pool After a Stroke Crippled My Left Hand
I had a stroke and my left hand is crippled. Therefore, I cannot make a good hand-bridge to shoot with. My left hand is messed up.
I have tried all the tools out there on the market and none works. I love to shoot pool, but I am getting frustrated. I shoot horribly now, but I want to continue playing the game I love.
I found a user here, Nike00 who mentioned he had Parkinson's disease and created a tool that he uses. Can anyone help me to locate this gentleman's contact info so that I could email him my issue?
Perhaps he could build a similar tool for me.
My email is nhl09@yahoo.com
Thank you!
Looking for a Product to Shoot Pool After a Stroke Crippled My Left Hand
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 8/21/2024 8:58:32 AM
I am sorry to hear about the stroke and the struggles it has caused in your ability to play pool.
I guess you have already read through the post Shooting Aid for Disabled Bridge Hand from Stroke but I am sharing it here incase anyone else finds this question.
The gentlemen you're looking for is Dominic D'ambrosio (user Nike00), and his business is Stead Shot LLC based out of Arizona. The business email is
(he doesn't list a phone number).Hope this helps!
Looking for a Product to Shoot Pool After a Stroke Crippled My Left Hand
- Title: Looking for a Product to Shoot Pool After a Stroke Crippled My Left Hand
- Author: user1630346392
- Published: 8/19/2024 2:46:22 PM
- Last Updated: 8/21/2024 8:51:29 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)