Break Speed iPhone App to Detect Break Shot Speed
11/2/2010 11:13:53 AM
Break Speed iPhone App to Detect Break Shot Speed
I enjoy your blog and wanted to share a cool new billiard training app with you.
If you have a smart phone you can use your phone to determine your break shot speed.
The Break Speed application lets you position a cue ball and select your pool table size before capturing your break speed.
The software then listens for the noise of your cue hitting the cue ball and the cue ball hitting the rack to determine your break shot speed.
We already have a lot of pro pool player customers and the product has been used in coverage of several major professional cue sport events.
More information is available at
A review of The Break Speed is being published in the November issue of Inside Pool Magazine and should be available any day now.
If you like it we would really appreciate you sharing information with your readers. The tool is very beneficial in tracking your progress in developing a power break shot.
Craig York
Break Speed iPhone App to Detect Break Shot Speed
Break Speed iPhone App to Detect Break Shot Speed
- Title: Break Speed iPhone App to Detect Break Shot Speed
- Author: Craig York
- Published: 11/2/2010 11:13:53 AM
- Last Updated: 10/30/2016 10:03:46 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)