System for Making Bank Shots
4/7/2015 4:36:43 PM
System for Making Bank Shots
This banking system will have you making bank shots so often you will almost forget that cutting the ball is even an option. Its pretty simple to learn. I have taken parts of many different systems to come up with this. I hope you will be able to grasp it and have as much fun with it as I do.
I am not an instructor, nor am I an expert. I am a league player who decided I wanted a better way to do things and in a way I could comprehend. All those systems with numbers for diamonds and add this or divide by that, just not for me.
When I describe rails, bear with me as it may not be "technically" correct. I will call long rails those that run the longest and the end rails those on the ends of the table. I just like to keep it simple.
So, here we go.
We will begin by banking the length of the table and back. As we are standing at the end rail, we will be banking back to the left end pocket. Each diamond on the end rail means something. It is very important you understand what those diamonds mean since the rest of my banking system (and all my other systems) are based off those numbers.
Beginning with our target destination which is the left near corner pocket. You mark the first diamond (on the end rail) as 1/8. You mark the middle diamond (on the end rail) as 1/4. The third diamond will be 3/8. And, the long rail on the right will be marked 1/2.Four simple numbers, I know you can remember that. Now, this is what they will do.
On the 1/8 line. if you drew a straight line all the way up the table and placed an object ball on it (except for extreme banks where the ball is within the last few inches of the opposite end rail), and aim center cue ball at 1/8 off right center of object ball, you will make that bank every time. Ok, I need to back up for a second and explain one thing.
The Object ball, how to come up with these numbers. The object ball has a dead center. Going to its right from that spot leaves 1/2 of a ball. You have cut the ball in half. You now cut that half into quarters. 1/8th right of dead center, 1/4 right of dead center, 3/8ths right of dead center, and 1/2 is the right edge of the object ball. Those numbers look familiar? Same as the diamonds on the end rail, right? that is intentional, that is keeping it simple.
So, if we put an object ball ANYWHERE on this 1/8th line and shoot center cue ball to 1/8th right on the object ball, it will bank directly back to the left corner pocket. I do this with stun shot speed, speed does matter. You have to hit the cue ball absolutely dead center. Any left or fight spin will make pocketing the ball impossible. That's why I like the stun shot speed, you can predict the tangent line and know if you executed the shot properly.
The 1/4 line plays pretty much the same as the 1/8th line did, just make sure you hit center cue ball to 1/4 right object ball. You can put the ball anywhere, it doesn't matter as long as you have both cue ball and object ball on that line.
I know you might be thinking this is impossible. The angles change as you place the ball up the table. I agree, I thought that also. But to my surprise, no matter where I placed the ball, it just kept banking in. The rails compress and its the only real thing I can contribute these results to.
The 1/8th and 1/4 lines are fairly common banking lines. You see them attempted pretty often. When you get over to the 3/8 line, it gets a little tricky. You need to cut the length of the table in half. You have the far end and the near end. If the object ball in on the near end, you aim 3/8 right and one tip center LOW. If you are on the far end, its center high one tip while aiming the center of your cue ball at the 3/8ths portion of the object ball.
You can make those 3 bank shots by using this. I will not get into the 1/2 line going this direction right now. But, I want you to understand that there is a 1/2 line. Its important and you will soon see why.
When you are banking to a side pocket. Going long rail to long rail, the diamond numbers double. They have to double because your ball does not have the distance to travel enough. The table is not square. You only have half the distance going side to side. So, if the side pocket is your target, the next diamond from that would be 1/4. If your cue ball and object ball are both on this line, you aim 1/4 from center. Stun shot speed and it banks right into the side pocket. What if you are half a diamond form the side pocket? There is your 1/8th line.
Now I know your thinking "how often is the cue ball and object ball on the same line", right? Well, its ALWAYS on the same line. What those diamonds are telling you that you probably missed (because I did for the longest time) is how much a ball can be moved by hitting off center. Lets say, from the side pocket going right, the cue ball and object ball are on a line from the third diamond to the second diamond (near to far). If you shoot center cue ball to center object ball you will come up one diamond short of the side pocket. Natural bank, center to center. You know that to get that extra diamonds length, its 1/4 right. 1/4 going side to side gets you exactly one diamonds length.
Catching on, am I explaining it good enough? Buy some post it notes and put the numbers on the diamonds. It helps to be able to visually refer to something.
I've adapted this system to my cut shot game. I needed to make some changes and there you will see more instances where 1/2 to 1 full ball line is used. Look for Part 2, coming soon.
System for Making Bank Shots
Replies & Comments
Zeke on 4/8/2015 7:13:54 AM
I'd hate to see the "simple" explanation...
metguy on 4/8/2015 6:30:37 PM
Yeah, that did end up a little long. Maybe some pictures will help.
Zeke on 4/9/2015 6:18:10 AM
Pictures might help, but details need less editorialization - and more command-like structure.
Throw out the first four paragraphs. Start with an assumption - like, "All tables have what I refer to as long rails and short rails..."
"...the diamonds geometrically "divide" the table into various angles..."
Brevity with order - comes to mind as a mantra you might embrace. Looking forward to a re-write.
metguy on 4/11/2015 3:31:18 PM
There will be no re-write. Anyone who reads this and doesn't grasp it will have to read it again. If they still don't understand then they can ask.
Aiming systems and Banking systems are not easy. There is no quick learn to them. This (I feel) is as simple as it gets. It can't be broken down any more. People must want to understand it. I can't force people to want that.
Read it again and again and again, if that is what it takes. Its how I learn, I read or watch a lot. The information is there. Its up to YOU to understand it.
metguy on 4/14/2015 5:01:43 PM
I think its time to move ahead to what you can expect in Part 2 - Cut-Shots.
I am sure many of you are familiar with CTE (Center to Edge). One that may not be so familiar though is Double Distance Aiming. I will simplify CTE and show a better way to use it.
We will be going back to the diamonds again. I will explain how simple it is to not only make all your cuts but why the diamonds tell you how. CTE just refers to angles, a judgmental and inconsistent way of applying it. My way is better, diamonds don't move therefore the results are repeatable.
And those numbers 1/8, 1/4, 3/8, and 1/2? Get used to them because they are used for everything. They mean something, their results are true, repeatable, and versatile.
metguy on 4/27/2015 4:37:01 PM
I have to say that I am surprised and a little disappointed there doesn't seem to be any interest with this system.
One of the things that makes learning systems so hard is they are all different. Banking systems, aiming systems, and even kicking systems. I seriously doubt that even the most knowledgeable person would disagree that it is confusing. Take a player who is just beginning to venture into these systems and its even more confusing.
But, this banking system is unique. Its so versatile that you can use it for every shot.
I won't make one penny off of this system. Not today, not next week, not ever. Posting it here was never about that. Its about showing people there are other options. Better options than the ones these Pro's are leading us to believe.
Freddy the beard said in one of his videos about a one rail bank shot that if you hit it like this it goes in automatically. He doesn't know why, just that it does. Now, he is a Banking Hall of Famer, you really think he doesn't know why? This is what I'm trying to get across to you. Learning these systems that are being pushed as "the best available" only gets you in the door. They are limited to a small range of application designed to fuel interest without allowing you to become good enough to compete with the top players.
I have always said "If you can pocket a ball from a distance of 5 diamonds out, you can be great". Its because you are accurate enough but lack knowledge. Knowledge alone is what separates the different levels of players. whether its the knowledge you have of fundamentals or of a particular system, it still comes down to knowledge.
I have interest in shooting in the Derby City Classic. It is said that Kentucky is the state where the most banking players come out of. Word of mouth is how the best secrets are spread. Not the internet, not U-tube. They know something, something good enough to earn them this distinction. well, I know something also. I know this system. Whether people want to try and disprove it or not, I KNOW IT WORKS. The other day, I made this full table crossover bank based solely off my system. It was a great shot. I've made many great banks but this was different. It told me that this system has a huge range of application. It told me that ONE system is all you need.
This will be my last post. I will check in though to answer any questions should one appear. If you are truly seeking a better way to aim and bank. I strongly urge you to re-read the information that has been posted here and ask questions. You will not be disappointed with the results of that effort.
rolagator1 on 5/6/2015 7:08:09 PM
I'm very interested in your system. Can you please tell me more about it?
metguy on 5/9/2015 6:34:55 PM
OK, the thing that is special about this way of approaching banking is its versatility. You are at the table. You have an object ball at the head spot. Your cue ball is one diamond over and one diamond up table. Draw a line through both. The tip of your cue should be pointed at the corner pocket and the butt should be over the middle pocket. You are going to do a crossover bank to the corner. How do you know where to aim?
You visually EXTEND the table. Now you have created a natural bank of angle in - angle out. But, you would miss your target pocket by 4 diamonds. You know that by aiming center cue ball to 1/2 object ball (edge of object ball) you can reduce that distance by 2 diamonds. Now you are only two diamonds away from your target. By aiming edge of cue ball to edge of object ball you have now made the aiming correction to crossover bank that shot.
Its very important though that you view the shot from a dead on hit. That is where your adjustments are based off of. Give it a try, no English and level cue.
I've been playing around with spin and been seeing some interesting options with that. I don't really want to get into that right now because its conversion percentages are unpredictable.
I'm gonna brag for a second. I was shooting last sunday on my local league and had this crossover bank shot. I drew a straight line through both O.B. and C.B. and extended the table so I could see where that natural shot would end up. It ended up being 5 diamonds from my target. I knew I could get 4 diamonds back with center cue ball to right edge of object ball but still 1 diamond off. I then continued by taking left edge of cue ball to 1/8 right of center on object ball. Made a great stroke and nailed the bank. It was a shot either you know how to bank or you got lucky as heck. I did that with knowledge of how much a ball will change from a dead on shot.
Once you get the hang of it, combinations are a lot easier also. I use this on every shot I do. The hardest thing I deal with is just trusting it.
metguy on 8/17/2015 7:48:12 PM
I have perfected the system. My conversion percentage is north of 75%. Even one of my most stubbornness team mates is now asking how to do it.
When people say its a low percentage shot, its because they don't understand banking. Sure, they may know systems and variables, but they don't REALLY understand banking.
When I put a bank on someone and hear "that was a lucky shot" I just tell them "I'm a lucky guy". You can't argue with people so just show them (over and over and over again). They get it after awhile, even the stubborn ones.
metguy on 10/8/2015 6:32:45 AM
These last few weeks have been a learning experience for me and the system. My banks have been coming up consistently short. I made a small adjustment and that has taken care of that.
Based off my system and values for adjusting, I've added an extra 1/2 for short banks (side to side rails) and an 1/8 to full table banks. I also added some ball speed to the shots. This was good to see because all tables will not always play the same.
While there are times when a soft bank is desirable, I'm beginning to see an advantage with using a higher ball speed. The main hurdle now is cue ball control for position.
System for Making Bank Shots
- Title: System for Making Bank Shots
- Author: metguy (Jeff Hewitt)
- Published: 4/7/2015 4:36:43 PM